7:06 p.m. (part 23)

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Forty five minutes later, I was climbing over my backyard fence. I would have used the front door, but the police car would be watching me.

I knew it was crazy. I knew I could potentially get hurt, or worse. But…what choice did I have?

Exactly. I didn’t have a choice.

 I walked to the park in silence, hands in my pockets, more scared then I had ever been in my entire life. I was trembling violently, and more than anything I wanted to turn back.

But I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

Walking down the empty streets, I tried to think of something else. Something happier, something more uplifting. But my mind just kept wandering back to the present, and the fact that I was probably walking straight into a trap. The fact that I was willingly putting myself in danger.

 The empty streets were eerily quiet, my footsteps echoing on the pavement, streetlights dimly lighting my path.

 I had never felt more alone.

Finally, I came to a stop. I was standing directly in front of the sign that read “Carmile Park”. When I was young, this was always a fun place to be. Now, I was thinking exactly the opposite.

I walked down to the swing set, deciding to take a seat and wait. Wait for whatever was coming.  It was 3 minutes until one hour was up. I was staring at my phone, waiting for the minutes to pass. It felt like the last time I had done this was years ago, when I was sitting at my computer, waiting for the clock to turn to 7:06 p.m. Now, Stacey was on her own time.

One minute left.


The phone suddenly lit up with a text message, making me jump.

“I see you decided to come. Welcome.”

Moments after I read the text message, I felt a cloth bag being slipped over my head, and darkness overtake my vision.

 Just as I was about to scream, I felt a shock in my shoulder. The pain rapidly spread through my body, electric currents running everywhere. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I couldn’t even find my voice.

Everything faded away. I went completely limp, dropping to the floor.

I was immobile.

After what was only a few seconds, but what felt like hours, I started regaining my awareness. I felt like I was being carried. Just as I was starting to regain movement, I was set down on a cold floor in what I assumed to be the back of a truck. Someone roughly grabbed my hands, tying them together behind my back. Someone then tied my feet. I then heard the slam of a door, and footsteps walking away.

All I wanted to do was cry. I had no bravery left, and all I felt was cowardice. I felt stupid, manipulated, and sad. Slowly, I began to move again. I winced, moving my arms and legs slightly. It took me a little bit to realize what had happened. I had been attacked with a Taser, or a stun gun. I had heard about them before, but never experienced it myself, until now. I prayed that it would be my last time.

Slowly, cautiously, I sat up, finding a wall to lean on. I felt the floor jolt, confirming that we were in a car. The bag over my head prevented me from seeing anything. I shook my head, trying desperately to get it off.

Suddenly, I had an idea. I leaned my head against my knees, trying to slide off the bag. It was inefficient, but it was working. Slowly, I pushed the bag up, over my nose, and finally, away from my eyes. Shaking my head, the bag flew off.

I could finally see.

And what I saw wasn’t pretty. I was in the back of a truck of some sort. It seemed like a large metal box, shaking around. I couldn’t see the driver or passengers seat.

All I saw was a metal box.

Suddenly, I remembered. I didn’t even have my cell phone anymore. I had been holding it when I was tasered. My phone was probably somewhere under the swingset, or in the hands of my kidnappers.

I was alone, confused, and I had no idea where I was.

I had no idea what to do next.


A/N First off- I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY! I planned on updated so much sooner than this...and I planned it to be so much longer. *winces* I just have been out of town constantly, actually Im staying up late tonight because I NEEDED to finish this chapter before I went out of town again. IM SO SORRY! :( I really am.

Anyways...this chapter was pretty intense. Whos got some new theories? ;)

Again, so sorry. This has been the busiest summer ever!

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