Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Riley's POV

As I looked at myself in the mirror I had no idea who this girl was.

She had bloodshot eyes and she looked like she hasn't eaten in days.

Well the truth was that that was me. I have barely gotten any sleep at all since Em was taken and the same goes with food.

Goddamn I swear if he does anything to her. She is just too small and pure to survive on her own.

I mean she is tough but toughness only lasts for so long.

Every night I imagine her broken and bloody body lying on the ground. Then I cry just picturing the thought.

Ryan has been so supportive. He's been part of the last search group of the night. And gets up around 5 going door to door asking anyone if they have seen her.

He wasn't that close to Emma but I know he was doing it for me. One of the very reasons why I love him.

I remember the first time we kissed was on our first date. He had asked me out on a date when I thought he didn't even know I existed.  


He took me too an Italian restaurant which had the best food. 


The conversation went so smoothly it was like I had known him my whole life.

When we left he laced his hand into mine. I could tell he was as shocked that he did that as I was.

But just to reassure him that I liked it I squeezed his hang gently. Then he took me to a fro yo place that had such a childish atmosphere I laugh every time I see it.

After we finished we walked in the park talking and laughing. Then out of no where he grabbed me and kissed me.

And I kissed him back. As we let go we both smiled.

I would never forget that night, ever.

The happy thought kept me from reality where there were no happy thoughts.

It had been a week since Emma went missing and we weren't any closer to finding her. There were no suspects barely any evidence since there were no finger prints and no leads.

The one thing we do know is that she was taken by force. And that's not a lot of information in a crime.

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