second helpings.

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Ashton still wasn't feeling 100%, the shift he was working dragged on like an old man complaining about the 'good old days'. He ran his long fingers through his shaggy hair and sighed. He hadn't seen Luke in almost two weeks and although he would never admit it, he missed the annoying blonde.

He obviously knew he couldn't be hungover so he put it down to having a stomach flu, but he absolutely hated going to the doctors so he medicated himself with painkillers. He felt weak and exhausted all the time and it wasn't helping that he was being constantly sick. Calum even joked that he may be pregnant, treating him like he was. "So when is the baby due?" He asked.

"Two weeks mate. I'm having twins." He replied sarcastically.

"Glad I'm not the dad then." He returned from his work station.


The conversation was cut short by the sharp pains running through Ashton's tummy. He held his stomach and cried out in pain. "Hurts." He mumbled. Calum rushed over and rubbed his back in comfort. "We gotta get you to the hospital buddy."

"No." He immediately snapped.

"Come on. I'm not taking no for an an answer." Calum grabbed his shoulder and escorted him out of the building like a bouncer throwing out a drunken state at a night club. He made sure to lock up after him. The manager would be mad but Ashton's health was much more important than a middle aged grump of a man.

"I hate you." Ashton glared at Calum in the passenger seat of the car.

"You'll thank me later honey." He stated. Ashton went to reply but the pains in his stomach were getting progressively worse, so much that he wrapped his arms around himself and rocked back and forward. "Ow. Ow. Ow." He cried.

"It's okay, I got you okay? We'll be at the hospital shorty." Calum drove over the speed limit but he didn't care about his reckless driving because he had to have his bestfriend seen to.

"Sh it's okay." He took a hand off the steering wheel to hold on to Ashton's shoulder in comfort. "It hurts Cal." The boy screamed much like a child.

"Sh" He comforted and diverted his eyes back to the road. Once they reached the hospital Calum rushed to the passenger side and lifted Ashton out of the car and he clung on to him like a koala.

"We need some help here!" He yelled as they hurried in to the waiting room of the A and E department. Soon a nurse dressed in blue scrubs came rushing over with a wheel chair and wheeled Ashton along to a cubical with Calum trailing behind.

"What seems to be the problem sweetheart?" She asked in a soft tone. "Tummy. Hurts. So. Bad." He stuttered out. "Any other symptoms?"

"Yes. He's been vomiting for the past two weeks or so." Calum answered for him. The nurse nodded, took Ashton's details and informed the two she was going to fetch a doctor.

She returned around ten minutes later with a smartly dressed woman behind her. "Hello, I'm Doctor S'avage. You must be Ashton." He nodded in return and went back to rocking himself back and forth. "Please help him." Calum pleaded, unable to see his best mate in such a state.

"We're going to run a few tests and see what the problem is, until the results are back I'm going to issue you with some Paracetamol to help ease the pain, okay? Hold on for me, yeah?" He nodded again and the doctor left along with the nurse to set up said tests.

An hour later and Calum was seated in the armchair rested beside Ashton's hospital bed. The latter boy was sound asleep, still hugging his stomach as Calum watched over him Luke a guardian angel.

Not long after, Dr S'avage returned with a file with Ashton's name on it. Calum panicked as he saw her confused, anxious expression. "Is it bad?" He bit his lip. She ignored him and walked over to where the boy slept and shook his shoulder lightly.

"Mr Irwin. We have your results and we've came to a conclusion. The root of the problem is..."
She took a sharp breath as if she didn't believe what she was about to say to the male patient in front of her.

"Please doc, tell me what's wrong. I can't take this anymore."

"Ashton. You. You're pregnant."

All of a sudden Ashton burst out in laughter even though it hurt so much. "Good one doc. Real comedian. Now tell me what's really up. I've got food poisoning? A stomach bug?"

The overworked doctor sat at the edge of the bed. "You're pregnant." She seemed baffled. This is the first ever case she's came across in all of her years as a practicing Doctor.

"What? That's impossible. You've got it wrong." Calum, unable to believe what had just came out of this woman's mouth.

"We double checked everything. Your blood test, urine sample. Your boyfriend is pregnant."

"He's not my boyfriend and this can't be possible." He scoffed.

"We're going to do an ultrasound. I know this is difficult and confusing to hear. Trust me I'm in the same boat. But it's true. You're having a baby Mr Irwin."

Ashton was in shock, he blurred out the others in the room as soon as he heard the word 'pregnant'. Guys don't get pregnant.

The doctor took the ultrasound and proved that Ashton was in fact, two weeks pregnant. The prove was in a photograph in his hands.

"This is a real miracle." The shocked doc exclaimed, excited that she was the doctor to have this break through discovery. "That explains the pains in your stomach, your body is making room for the little 'in. And you're slightly anemic so we'll sort you out with iron tablets and I've referred to a mid wife. Other than that you're free to go." She grinned at the boys.

Ashton was numb. How the hell was he supposed to feel?

"So who's the daddy?" The doctor asked with a smile.

Oh there's that.


Mwahahaagag I've planned this all along

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