delivery please?

748 48 43

Not gonna lie, i dont edit these. THATS WHY THEYRE SO BAD

Luke spins around in his chair slowly whilst trying to balance a pen on his nose and sighs loudly when the pen falls to the ground.

"Fucking pen" he growls and lazily picks it up.

His colleague who seems to act a little overly friendly with him gives him a seductive smile and he stares back with a blank expression. "Can I help you Aria?"

"It's Arzaylea. And yes you can. There's this great new band playing in town this weekend and I was wondering.."

"Nope." He cuts her off before she can finish her sentence.

"Free ticket. Come on, it'll be fun!" She flutters her eyelashes at him and he just blinks, scoffs and turns back to his desk. Pft, he silently mocks her. This bitch. The fluttering eyelashes shit doesn't work on me, except with Ashton. Mmm, Ashton and his soft curls and perky, squeezable bum.

"Ahem, Hemmings." An authoritive voice makes him jump out of his seat, as he curses at the interuption.

''Oh Mr Dun, sir, what's up?"

Mr. Dun just smiles proudly. "Get out."

Wide eyed, Luke asks, "Why, um what did I do?"

"It's time Hemmings." And that finishing sentence makes Luke rush out of that office faster than Donald Trump can say "wrong."

"It's time, it's time it's time!" He says aloud whilst scrambling in his pocket for his keys. After finding them, they dropped to the floor and as if they've turned into soap form Luke struggles to pick them up "Fucking keys" he screams aloud to himself.

After a good two minutes of trying to pick them up, he finally gets into his car, reverses out of his work's car park and makes his way to the hospital where the arrival awaits him.

Once frantically parking up, the expectant father speeds into the building, straight to reception. Huffing and panting he manages to blurt out, "Maternity Ward?"

The kind woman, obviously used to this sort of behaviour smiles and points him in the correct direction. He darts through the halls and finally reaches his destination.

Pushing past exasperated nurses, Luke peeps through the windows of each room of the ward to find his lover. Finally, the last he looks through is where Ashton rests, typical.

Nervously, Luke turns the door knob, takes a deep breath and steps inside. "Father?" An experienced midwife directly asks him. "Yes." He proudly nods.

She throws him over some scrubs. "The surgeon will be here shortly to perform the c-section. Put them on. Any questions?"

He takes a gulp, "Will the procedure hurt Ashton?"

"No, the patient will be under anesthesia the whole time. It may be slightly uncomfortable for him and he may become agitated, that's where you come in. Just be by his side, holding his hand and that's all you need to do."

Luke thanks her and she returns a polite smile. This is it. He steps towards his sunshine and smiles brightly at the young man. "Hey you" he whispers. Ashton notices Luke's close presence and his face lights up. "Luke." He weakly smiles.

"Hey baby. You look beautiful, that olive skin has never glowed so much before. You scared?"

Ashton begins to well up, tears brimming in his hazel eyes. Luke squeezes his hand and assures everything is going to be alright with a kiss to the forehead.

Shortly, the surgeon arrives and sedates Ashton. After the preparation is done, he makes an incision in his abdomen.

Once finishing, the surgeon roughly pulls the new born out of Ashton (I hate the way babies are handled at birth ok) and with a soft pat on the behind their first baby began to wail. Luke and Ashton fondly watch their baby as the nurses checked over the little one.
A couple of moments later a young nurse turns around to face the eager fathers. "Congratulations, you have a healthy, beautiful baby girl."

The lovers kiss desperately, both smiling widely. "Round 2!" The doctor returns to his work, and he pulls out the second new born from inside Ashton.

He pats the baby on his bottom lightly. Silence. Once more. Silence.

Both boys became wide eyed. "Why isn't he crying? What's wrong? What's happening?" Ashton screams, tightening his grip on Luke's hand.

"Your baby isn't breathing." Was all Ashton hears before everything goes black.

He tries to stop the tears. He must be strong. Everything is going to be okay. It has to be. Luke tells himself as his baby boy is rushed to the operating theater.

"Hey." A comforting hand rubs his back. Ashton is fine. Just sometimes under stress our bodies shut down for a little break. And your baby is in the best hands. How about you come see your little girl. I think she needs her daddy." A soft voice guides him to his daughter.

He walks slowly towards her, ignoring the feeling in his stomach that he's about to lose his child.

He stands above his beautiful child and breaks down in tears.  "She's... she's everything" He covers his hand with his mouth. "Hold her. Just be gentle, this is all alien to her."

Luke awkwardly removes his shirt, thinking the nurse would find him weird. But this is common, skin to skin contact between father and child is known to help with bonding, something Luke read.

He gently places his hand under the baby's behind and behind her delicate little head. He develops goosebumps as he picks her up and holds her to his chest, rocking her gently.

"I think I know what an angel looks like" He whispers to the sleeping new born. "Angel. Please protect your brother." He places a kiss to her forehead.

"What do you think you'll call her?" The nurse asks from behind him.

Luke sniffs. This baby is a guardian angel, she's going to save her brother. She gives hope to us all, He thinks.

"Her name is Hope."

Dude I'm sobbing.

27k reads ayeeeeeeee ty

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