sausage surprise

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Ashton has never been so nervous for anything in his entire life, his palms sweat as he rubs them together in anticipation. His companion isn't much help either. He rubs his stubbly chin in silence as they wait. "So. Girl or boy?" Luke asks him excitedly. Ashton thinks over the question, he hadn't really thought about it. All he hopes for is that his lil bean is healthy, even if he/she isn't he'll love the baby unconditionally.

"Girl." He decides. He imagines raising a little girl to become a strong independent woman who takes crap from no one. It doesn't matter if she doesn't become a lawyer or a doctor. Just as long as she's happy and lives a long fuffiled life, that's all Ashton wants for her and if she isn't happy then he'll hold her tightly in his arms and tell her everything is gonna be okay.

The two boys wait and wait, both growing impatient, more so Ashton, due to the fact that the midwife is almost fifteen minutes late. "What about you?" He asks the blonde.

"Boy." Luke states without explaining amd before he can, a dark haired man clothed in blue scrubs waltzes up to the eager two. "Irwin?" He asks with a friendly grin.

Ashton nods and uses the arm chair of his seat to place his weight on in order to support him in standing up, his ever growing bump is proving to be a slight problem when it comes to standing up. He woddles along with Luke, who guides Ashton with his hand on the pregnant boy's lower back. 

"Step into my office boys. I'll be there in a moment." The midwife flashes a toothy grin.
As they enter the small room with a few chairs, a bed, and a screen which would show the boys their creation, Ashton sighs.
"What's up sugar? " Luke asks in concern.

"Nothing. It's just. I don't know. What if there is something wrong with the baby? What if I've lost our bean Luke?" Ashton feels himself welling up as he sits down on the white sheeted bed.

"Hey, listen to me. Our baby is going to be just fine, okay? Don't worry sugar. I'm here." Luke squeezes his lover's hand reassuringly.

"You don't know that though." He sighs once more.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today? You melt the sun. You make curry taste like candy you hot jalapeno." Luke says in attempt to cheer an apprehensive Ashton up.

"Shut up." Ashton giggles through his tears.

"Never." Before he can reply, the midwife walks into the room. ''So you're around eighteen weeks, am I right?'' He asks. Both boys nod in reply. ''Right then. Ashton, lie there on the bed and we'll get you set up for your ultra sound. You want to find out the sex, am I right?''

''Yes please.'' Ashton perches his legs up on the bed and leans his head back. ''This is gonna be a little chilly. Lift your top up please.'' He feels tears streaming down his cheeks as he lays. The midwife notices his shaking hands and places one of his own on top. ''Don't worry, everyone gets nervous. This isn't going to hurt one bit, okay?'' Ashton nods, but it isn't the pain he's worried about. He's scared that the baby isn't going to be okay. What if he loses it? What if he did something wrong? Was he eating too much junk food?

''Okay ready?'' Ashton nods as Luke stands up to place a sweet kiss to his forehead and rubs his fingers through his curls. Although he'd always stay strong for Ashton, Luke is also fearing the worst. He's already so protective over this baby and Ash that he worries about everything, like how roughly this man is placing the cold, gooey liquid on to the boy's stomache. What if it gives him hypothermia? In a practical state of mind Luke would realise he's being overdramatic, but he's in daddy mode so normality is out of reach.

Luke snaps out of his thoughts to stare up at the screen where a blob appears. His baby. But it looks weird. ''Um, why does our baby have two heads?'' He confusingly said, receiving a slap to the wrist by Ashton. The midwife laughs softly as he searches for a heartbeat. ''Is something wrong?'' Ashton bites his dry lips. ''Aha. Hear that? Those are the heartbeats. Your babies are doing great!''

Ashton  freezes. ''Did you just say? Na. You didn't did you?'' Whereas Luke simply says; '' Told you there were two heads.''

''You didn't know? You're having twins!'' The midwife cheers. Ashton can't believe what he's just heard, he must be dreaming. He and Luke had just come to terms with having one baby but now there's two. He would have known, wouldn't he? He turned around to face Luke with a wide grin across his face. ''Can we find out the sexes?'' The blonde asks.

''How can you be so fucking calm about this Luke? We're having twins. Did you not hear that?'' Ashton is flabbergasted at the fact his lover isn't freaking out. ''I heard. It's great isn't it?!'' Luke cheers, ignorant to the idea of having to pay for two kids when they both have crappy jobs.

''You're having a girl and a boy. Congratulations!''


Ashton pulls at his hair. ''Oh my god.''

Luke spends the rest of the day talking about how amazing his sperm must be whilst Ashton thinks about the more serious matters such as, how the hell they're going to pay for two kids and how fat he's going to get. He never planned this. All he wanted was a normal life, but no. He's 21, knocked up with twins and a is with a (kind of) boyfriend who is celebrating the awesomeness of his sperm.

But at least he has a burger stuffed in his mouth.

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