Chapter 1

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    "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP..."  Slowly opening my left eye, I hit the snooze button.  "Ugh, it's monday already."  With a last blink of my eyes, I slowly pulled myself out of bed.  Standing by my dresser, one hand holding on for dear life, the other rubbing my eyes trying to get the sleepiness to go away, I thought about what the first day of school was going to be like.


       Finally, I could see clearly.  Walking to the bathroom I couldn't help but to continue my thoughts.  I had no idea if I would make any friends, what the teachers would be like, or even what to wear for that matter.  It's very important to make a good impression on your first day to a new school. 

    Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at my reflection.  'Ok, how are you going to pull this off?' my wolf smirked.  'I'll figure out something, not that you will be any help, miss I don't know anything about fashion.' I thought back.

    My hair looked like a rats nest.  I wore a knee length pink nightgown.  It was definitely time to find something that was going to be suitable for school.  'Not too noticeable, but not too dorky or nerdy either,' I thought to myself.

    After one last look in the mirror, I rolled my eyes and started toward my closet.  It was a fairly nice closet, the doors were stained wood with gold door knobs.  I sucked in my breath before twisting the knob and opening the closet door.  It was filled with all kinds of things from bright colors to a couple plain outfits.  'Leave it to someone that knows nothing about my taste to fill my closet for me,' I sighed.

    I searched for about ten minutes until I finally found something that I thought was suitable to wear for a first day of school.  It consisted of a pair of black pants, a white tank, and a jean half sleeve jacket.  Now I just needed to find some shoes that were worth wearing.  Searching some more, I found a pair of black boots that would rise just over my ankle.  I shrugged my shoulders, "These will do, I doubt anyone will be looking at my feet anyway."

    Grabbing what I picked out I walked to my bed and set everything out.  I took off my nightgown and layed it on the bed, then took my clothes off the hanger.  First I grabbed my pants and pulled those on, then my tank top.  I decided to do my hair and make-up before putting on my jacket.

    Walking to the bathroom I thought about where any normal person would put their make-up bag.  Searching behind towels, in the medicine cabinet, in the cabinets, I finally found what I was looking for in one of the drawers under the sink.  It was a Purple bag with black lace designs all around it.  I opened it up to find it was completely full of brand new make-up.

    Searching through it, I found the only things I needed to make me completely happy with my facial features.  I laid a tube of purple lipstick, mascara, and eye liner on the counter next to the sink.  First I put on my eye liner, then my mascara, and last but not least my lipstick.  Then it was time to turn my attention to my hair.

    "Brush, brush, brush, where in the hell is the brush?  Any sane person would put it next to the make-up bag!" I growled with agitation.  Finally I found it in a box of hair things on the stand over the toilet.  "You've got to be kidding me."  The brush was a hot pink color with a large smiley face on the back.  Along with the brush, I looked at the hair ties and bows, but everything was just too childish.  Hair bows and hair ties with smiley faces and cakes all over them.  I decided to just brush my hair out and leave it down.

    Looking in the mirror, I felt somewhat pretty.  Long and straight brown hair to the middle of my back, bright green eyes that stood out with my chosen make-up.  My wolf whistled at the sight she saw in the mirror and I couldn't help but smile.

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