Chapter 8

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    My bed tilted slightly making me stir in my sleep.  I just shrugged it off and turned over and tried to go right back to sleep.  Justin was sitting there smiling down on me.  He leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek.  "Wake up girl, you got to get ready for school."

    "But my alarm hasn't gone off yet!"

    "You forgot to set it before you went to bed."

    I looked at the time, I only had about twenty minutes to get ready for school.  UGH great!  I hoped out of bed forgetting about what I was wearing and raced to my closet to find a nice outfit to wear.  I picked out a short pink skirt with a black backless top to go with it.  I started to pull my gown off then realized Justin was still on my bed.

    "OUT!" I huffed at him.  He smirked and walked over to me.  "It's not like i'm never going to see what you got babe," he leaned over and gave me a hug.  Sighing he realized I wasn't giving up that easy and turned around and walked out.

    I quickly changed, put on my make up, and brushed my hair.  Then I ran downstairs and out the door.  I totally forgot Justin was here so I was stopped by him grabbing my hand when I was walking to the bus stop.

    "You're riding with me Princess," he chuckled.

    "Oh, right!  What about Chelsea?"

    "Relax my dear, she can come too."

    I waved to Chelsea, "C'mon girl before we leave your ass."

    Chelsea ran over to us with a huge grin on her face and jumped into the back seat of the truck.  Justin helped me in like he did the night before.  Then he went to his side and got in, and we were on our way.

    Once we arrived at school, Justin got out and helped me down.  He stared into my eyes before kissing my forehead.  "I'll be here to pick you up when you get out of school."

    "Ok, I can't wait."

    "Me either, I want to take you somewhere."

    "Can ya'll just go get a room already?" Chelsea called over her shoulder, faking a gag.

    I laughed and then left Justin behind to go into the school.  I made my way to my first class, Ethan was already in his seat.  'Oh God, why can't he just leave school?'  My wolf started to pace a little while I walked towards my seat.   

    Ethan hadn't tried anything just stared me up and down.  That's how the rest of my classes went until it was lunch time.

    Everyone practically hauled ass to the lunchroom when the bell rang leaving me behind to pick up my things and take them to my locker.

    After putting everything away I walked to the lunch room.  A hand went over my mouth while another went around my waist and pulled me into a room.  I didn't know where I was or who had me.  It was soo dark.

    "I want you now!"  I recognized that voice.  I was gripped with fear.  It was Ethan.  What is he doing?  Why does he want me? Did he not learn his lesson from friday night?

    Before I knew it I was slamed up against the wall with his hand still over my mouth.  I let out a little whimper from the pain of something hitting my back.  "I'm going to let your mouth go but if you scream, you will regret it."  I didn't like the tone of his voice and it scared me.  Ethan was a very scary guy when he wanted to be.  Which was about every time I've seen him so far.

    I tried to ask him in a rough voice but it came out more like a whimper, "What do you want from me?"

    "I told you I want you to be mine."

    "Please don't hurt me," I cried.

    "Shhh, I would never hurt you, I love you."

    I tried to push him away from me, but he grabbed both of my hands and put them against the wall above my head with just one of his hands.  His other hand was going up my shirt slowly caressing my body.  Caressing their way up to my breasts and then squeezing.  I cried.  I didn't know how I was going to get out of this situation, so I tried to shut off all of my feelings but I still cried.

    He put his free hand around to my butt and pulled me up onto his waist pulling my legs around him.  I can't believe this is happening to me. 

    He started caressing my thighs, moving around to my bottom area, which wasn't hard to feel because I was wearing a thong today.  Slowly he moved his hands from my bottom through my legs and started rubbing on my core on the outside of my thong.  I cried, "Please Ethan, don't do this," between sobs.

    He acted like he didn't even hear me.  It may have even been a turn on for him me crying like that.  He had a bulge in his pants and I knew that because he pressed it into me at that moment and he let out a moan. 

    "Ethan, no, you can't do this!"

    He pressed his lips to mine to quiet me down while he placed his hand between my legs again.  This time he went under my thong gently rubbing my sensitive spot.  I tried to pull away from him to beg him to stop but it was no use.  He slid one finger in pumping it slowly.  After a few seconds he added another.  I wanted to scream.  I wanted to hurt him so bad.  He pumped his two fingers in me and moaned, "Oh, baby."  Then he moved his hand and started to undo his buckle while his lips were still on mine.

    When he looked down I screamed despite his warning.  He slapped me across the face and then grabbed my face real hard in his hand.  I was sure I was going to have a bruise later.  The door swung open at that time and Justin stood there taking in what was happening.  Ethan backed up with his hands up, "Look man, I didn't know it was her, I thought it was someone else."  Before I knew it Justin threw a punch that connected with Ethan's face and Ethan was knocked out cold on the floor.

    Justin wrapped his arms around me, "Are you ok?  I'm soo sorry!"

    I couldn't answer I was still crying.  He picked me up bridal style, with all the kids in the halls watching us, and walked out the door.  When we finally got to his truck and he put me in then got in himself he asked, "What did he do to you?"

    I didn't want to, but I told him every detail of what happened.  Before he could jump out of the truck, I grabbed his arm.  "I just want to go home, please."  I begged.  He obeyed me and drove me home.  When we got there he carried me inside.  He then layed me down in my bed and sat next to me rubbing my hair.   

    I turned to look at him, and I could see the worried look on his face while he gently touched my bruises.  "I can't let him do this to you again.  Your staying home for a while."

    With that, I drifted off to sleep.

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