Chapter 7

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    "So, tell me about yourself." He seemed to be studying me closely, so there was no way I could lie to him about anything.  He is my mate so I should be safe with him no matter what anyway.


   "What is it that you want to know?"


   "Everything about you.  Where did you come from?  Do you have family, brothers and sisters?  A boyfriend?  Anything that comes to your mind, just say it, i'm here to listen.  Also, to give you anything and everything that your heart desires."


   Oh, no the dreaded questions seemed soo hard to answer, so after my wolf's constant badger, I decided to start from the beginning.


   "I'm an only child.  My father was killed.  He was killed because he was protecting me."  I looked down at my hands, and decided I needed to keep talking.  "The Alpha of our pack chose me as his bride.  We weren't mates.  But yet he seemed obsessed with me.  I later found out that my dad owed him for the Alpha saving his life when he was a young boy.  The payment was me.  It is all my fault he is dead.  I begged him not to let Kane take me!  I was soo scared.  Kane came and killed my father right in front of me when he wouldn't give me to him.  After grabbing me and trying to leave, some how I was able to get away.  Me and my mom left everything behind and fled here.  Her old pack helped us, saying we would be safe once we got here.  We didn't even have a chance to grab anything from our home as a rememberance.  It all happened soo fast.  I wish I could go back in time and help my father.  I miss him soo much!"  I just kept talking and talking not even realising that I was crying the whole time.   

    Justin pulled me into his arms, "It's ok, I won't let anything happen to you ever again, I promise!"  He said it soo angrily, I thought he was going to shift right before my very eyes.  I don't really know how but some how he was able to control himself.

    After I was able to control my emotions, Justin crunk the truck and we headed to my house.

    When we got there he insisted that I introduce him to my mother.  Needless to say I was absolutely scared shitless.  I had no idea how she was going to react.

    I opened the front door, "Ama, I'm home."   

    She walked into the living room to give me a hug.  After that she looked at Justin with a questionable look.  "This is Justin, Ama.  Something happened, it's kind of hard to explain.  It was like he was there, his scent was soo strong it was almost suffocating me.  And then when we locked eyes, everyone around me disappeared."

    My mom gasped, putting her hand over her mouth.  I waited for her reaction.  I jumped when she gave a shriek.  Of excitement?  No way!  "Aye, mijo, estas muy guapo!  You are a very handsome young man.  My grandchildren are going to be very gorgeous, I can already see it."

    Grandchildren?  What?  What was going on, I thought she was going to flip a shit!?  I gaped at her.  She reached over and pushed my chin up closing my mouth.  "Be careful Gloriana, you won't like the taste of flies."

    With that she walked out of the room leaving me and Justin alone.  He leaned down and kissed my forehead.  "Well, beautiful, it's late I better be going.  You need your rest, since you have school in the morning."  "UGH, I forgot about that," I slapped my hand to my face.

    With that he walked out the door.  I went upstairs and took my shower then slid into bed and let sleep take me.

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