Chapter 3

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    School was finally over.  I decided I would walk home to relieve the stress the first day of school had on me. 

    "Hey, wait up!"  Chelsea called out after me.

    I turned around and seen her running to catch up.  I smiled, glad I wasn't walking alone.  Come to find out she lives just across the road from me.  That's definitely a plus.

    I invited my new friend over to my house before she got a chance to go home. 

    "Mom, I'm home," I called as I walked in the front door.

    My mom came from the kitchen and gave me a big hug.  "How was your first day of school, honey?"

    "It was... uh, interesting," I managed to say.  "I made a new friend today.  Mom, this is Chelsea.  Chelsea this is my mom."

    "It's nice to meet you Chelsea, you can call me Betty."  She wrapped Chelsea into a hug.  "You're such a pretty girl."

    "Ama, is it ok if I go exploring the town with Chelsea?"

    "Of course dear, just be back no later than 7 for dinner."

    "Thanks Ama, I will!"

    With that I took my bag upstairs to my room and threw it on my bed.  Just one glance in the bathroom mirror to assure me that everything was fine and I didn't need any kind of touch up before I left the house.  I bolted back down the stairs to Chelsea.

    "Bye Ama," I called as we were walking out the door.  We walked across the road to Chelsea's house so she could rid herself of her school stuff.  Her house was about the same size as mine.  It was really quiet when we got there.

    "You're parents aren't home, huh, Chels?"

    "My parents are dead, I live with my Grandmother, but she is probably in town somewhere running an errand."

    "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

    "Don't worry about it, I didn't really know them.  Besides I turned out just fine right?"

    I smiled at Chelsea.  She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house and shut the door behind us.  "Come on girl, we ain't got all day, lets go."

    We walked down the sidewalk for what seemed like 15 minutes at least before we came to the towns only restaraunt.  A little place called Mario's.  Chelsea tugged me towards it as if I wasn't going to follow her.

    Inside, it seemed like a nice and quiet place.  There were a few guys there hanging around talking.  There was a jukebox at the far wall as you walk in.  It was a pretty nice little restaurant.  I followed Chelsea to the bar and sat next to her.

    "We'll take a piece of your famous cheese cake." Chelsea ordered.  "Girl, you are just going to die when you try this stuff!"

    We talked about boys and school while we waited for our order.  A boy walked up with a flyer and left it on the counter in front of us.  I looked at him in time to see him smile and wink at us both.

    Picking up the paper I read it.  It was an invitation to a party.  I showed Chelsea and she rolled her eyes.  "Always teens out there trying to act drunk."  I shrugged, I wouldn't know.  Chelsea's eyes lit up, "We should totally wreck the party!"

    "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

    "Oh, come on it will be fun, what have ya got to lose?"

    "Well, ok!"

    The party was Friday night.  That means I had 4 days to get prepared to go to my very first party ever.

    Excusing myself, I walked towards the bathroom.  I almost stopped dead in my tracks from shock when I rounded the corner.  There in the booth next to the restroom was Ethan and a few of his buddies.  What made it worse, was that they all turned to look at me.


  Deciding to ignore them, I walked straight into the girls room without another glance at their table.  Giving the paper in my hand one last look over I stuffed it in my jacket pocket.  My mind went on wondering about the party.  Would we be thrown out, teased, accepted, or something even worse?  I mean, he had to give us that invitation for a reason right?  Maybe he thought we were cute, I smiled to myself.


Next thing I know the paper was ripped out of my hands.  I gasped when I turned around and seen Ethan.


"Don't tell me you're going to that lame ass party," he laughed.


"I was thinking about it, not that its any of your business!"  I could feel my wolf getting agitated.  That made me very uncomfortable.  She could sense something was wrong.


Ethan crumpled up my paper and threw it in the garbage.  Then he grabbed me by my waist and pushed me against the sink with a smirk on his face.   "Ethan, what the hell are you doing in the girls bathroom!?" I shrieked.

    He quickly put his hand over my mouth so no one could hear me.  Before I could register what was going on, Ethan started moving his hand up my shirt toward my breasts.

    I slapped his hand away, and tried to push him, but that only made him push me into the sink harder.  I winced in pain as the sink jabbed into my back.

    At that he stepped back and looked at me.  Seeing my face scrunched in pain, he put his hands up, with a disappointed look on his face.  Turning around he mumbled, "we'll finish this later," and walked out the door.

    Slidding down to the floor, I wrapped my hands around my knees pulling them closer to me.  There was no way I was coming out of the restroom while he was still out there.  Especially since now I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

    A few minutes later, Chelsea bursts through the door and immediately spots me.  She runs to my side, "Oh my Gosh Gloriana, what happened to you?  I was soo worried that you fell in or something that I came looking for you!  What happened?"

    One word came out when I opened my mouth, "Ethan."

    I seen a flash of anger in Chelsea's eyes.  She stormed out of the restroom.  I was worried about what she might do.  As fast as she left she appeared at my side again.

    "The jerk is gone," she said through closed teeth.  "Did he hurt you in any way?"

    "No."  I didn't want to give her any details.  I don't think I could bare it.  We weren't that close yet.  I had no idea if I could trust her as much as I wanted to already.  Only time would tell.

    We decided to just leave instead of eat our cake that we had ordered.  Walking home it was starting to get dark.  It seemed like there was a car following far behind, but it could have been my imagination.

    Finally we reached our houses, and said goodbye.  I went inside and took a nice hot shower, put on my nightgown, and hoped into bed.  It was hard to fall asleep but eventually, my eyes closed and stayed that way.

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