Getting to know you.= ThisKittyHasClawz

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Name – Priyanka Patel

Age - 15

Gender - Female

How did you find out about Wattpad?

Well, my amazing bestie, SPK147 told me about it. After that I was hooked, I guess.

What is your favourite subject, you like to write about?

I assume, you mean subject as in, genre. I guess it’s paranormal/horror.

What was the last book you read?

Well, it was an Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novel. It was called The Killing Dance. It’s the 6th book in the series. It’s brilliant, full of blood, guts, gore, but it’s like a crime novel too. And it’s got paranormal stuff in it too. The author, Laurell K Hamilton is brilliant!

Who are your favourite writers on Wattpad?

There’s a heck of a lot actually….but I’ll go with these:

SPK147, TheOrangutan, zombie45 [you!] , DanGil, pranks, pinka95, SinaidKincaid16, CjayS42, MarkOPolo and of course, CeNedraBorune

There are a lot more that I like though…..

Okay now that’s the boring stuff out of the way lets have some fun.

If you could have a theme tune following you about what would it be?

I think it’d either be, the Pink Panther theme tune, or….maybe the DUN DUN DUNNN thingy…

Coz I’m cool like that :P

If you had three wishes what would you wish for?

*That’s I get to be a doctor/surgeon [I know, boring, but it’s true…]

*That I get to live in a magical world full of orange flavoured jelly and epic rock music! [my idea of heaven]

*Third wish – I get a pet leopard! Or a ferret!

Have you ever worn sandals with socks?  

No, coz that is just weird……

If you could choose to be attacked by a Great white shark or a Lion what would it be?

Um…God you better not be planning my murder, I mean, I know I’m a little over-the-top but seriously! I wouldn’t kill me! I’m that THAT bad!

I’d go with the shark, I mean, I do like water…..I hope I drown first though….

You get the opportunity to travel anywhere in time, where would you go?

WOW! I would go and see a concert with the original Nirvana people, I mean, with Kurt Cobain.

That would be….amazing! Absolutely beyond INCREDIBLE!

What is your favourite drink?

VIMTO!!!!!!!! IT’S THE BEST!!!!!

What is your favourite meal?

Best question EVER! I’m a total foodie, so lots of different things to choose from! But I’ll go with my parent’s xmas dinner!

Heaven on a plate! And the gravy is to die for! [Well, I wouldn’t exactly die for it, but you get the drift…]

Have you ever stolen anything? I wont pass it onto the police don’t worry.

Nope, coz I’m such an angel! [God only wishes!] If I did, I’d steal a guitar off Adam Gontier, the lead singer of Three Days Grace. [Now, he IS an angel, just listen to his voice, it’s gorgeous!]

Have you ever worn other gender’s underwear?

No…why have you? Cross dressing is perfectly okay in the 21st century…So don’t worry…if you wanna tell someone, I won’t judge.


What do you like to do in your spare time, other than writing?

*read horror


*imagine people I don’t like suffering horrific deaths [no that’s not true…most of the time]

*watch movies [usually horror or comedy]

*listen to epic rock music [I do that almost 24/7 – my parents aren’t too keen on it. Same with my neighbours…]

*eat [again, I do that almost 24/7]

*And I surf the net. If anyone’s out there, actually reading this waffle I’ve written, visit

*I also, try [and fail] to be funny.

If you could travel to any planet in the system which would it be and why?

Umm, probably Saturn, coz I’d like to see the rings all around it. Or Uranus, coz it’s a nice shade of blue. [If someone out there thinks “typical girl”, please don’t. The cannibal I sent after you doesn’t answer to “MERCY, MERCY!” Just a heads up…]

Would you climb the highest mountain or dive to the deepest parts of the ocean?

That’s difficult. But the second one, because I’d get to see all the fish and all those bright colours. Whereas if I climbed the highest mountain, knowing me, I’d trip and die [morbid, I know, but I’m being realistic, I can trip over air!].

How did you come across my profile page?

Well, I came across one of your amazing horror stories when I was searching for good horror stories, then read all of your horror stories since they’re so amazing, and then I read your profile.

What are you going to do after doing this interview?

Um…..headbang to The Used and Three Days Grace….eat some ice cream coz it is so freaking warm! And then draw…

Who is your favourite superhero and why?

WonderWoman, coz I hate the whole chauvinistic thing, about how the best superheroes are batman or superman. I have bad points for both of ‘em! And, WonderWoman kicks ass! She beats the bad guys, in heels, and looks sexy all at the same time!

What you working on right now?

Working on as in what? A car? [I only wish I was that good with cars!] A report?

Well, I answering the interview questions…Um, I also have wretched business studies coursework to finish off.

Worst part is, if I don’t get my target grade [a freaking distinction, therefore impossible] I don’t get to go to Alton Towers [a pretty cool theme park – bit of an understatement but….].

Teachers shouldn’t blackmail their students. Not because they’d be better examples, but because that way we all get to go to Alton Towers.

Where do you see you’re self in ten years time?

Um, either as a doctor, or a surgeon, or [god forbid] STILL in med school/university. Or at a Sonisphere festival.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Um, I’m a huge animal lover, would LOVE to learn how to play the drums, and…think that I’m stalked by a typo-fairy.

Feels sorry for Justin Bieber, for all the hate mail he surely must receive.

Feels sorry for my parents, for paying for the postage and paper for said hate mail…

Thanks for your time

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