The Begining

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The pic is a 'weeping angel' from Doctor Who. This is what the Stone Devils look like.

It was a Sunday night, family night for the Greens. They were playing a board game when it happened. At exactly 11:11 pm; a time for wishes, a sixteen year old girl wished for true love one day. At that exact moment her window smashed and something flew into her room. It was a flock of them; they attacked the house and only took one thing: the girl.

She remembers it clearly, the way she screamed scared out of her mind. The way it grabbed her waist and took off. She remembers screaming for help but no one came to her rescue. Oh how she wishes that she left her safety knife in her room. Then they would be safe. Her family! She just hopes they were fine, but the conclusion that she was taken says that her family would be back to normal soon.

The door to the dungeon opened and there stood the thing that took her. "Here's your food and water" his gruff voice states and turns to leave but she has to ask, "Why did you take me?" He pauses but doesn't answer. "What are you going to do to me?" He turns to look at her and she expects an answer but instead he shuts the door, locking it and leaving.

She mentally slaps herself;of course its not going to answer. How stupid could she get? It would never answer her, not now not ever.

She sighs and thinks over her life. From a little kid she was always the loner. But her family loved her to death. It all changed when she turned ten. The world was changing.

She remembers the exact day at the exact time. Her birthday; she calls it the hell day. Something bad always happens on her birthday and that year was the worst so far.

On February 20/2020 at exactly 2:20 On the news they had let out the horrible announcement. Scientist's experiments had gone wrong. They call them the "Stone Devils". They were escaping from the labs and into our world.

Made of stone and all male. Winged creatures that come into the night. Steal and kill their prey. That's what she heard but she didn't believe it until a few nights ago.

She will be killed and she doesn't know when. She just prays it's later than sooner.  


A/N   Sorry it's sort. This was actually parts of my dreams a year ago and I thought that it would be a good story. Hope you enjoy it!

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