The Feeding

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It was at the crack of dawn when he woke up. He wakes up at this time to only feed his prisoners.

He hated being himself. He hated how he was created to be a monster. He hated that he was different. How he secretly wished to find love. But he is only a beast. Nothing more.

He liked her. That's why he took her. His stone heart skipped a beat when he saw her so he could tell she had something special in her. And it wasn't the dark sparkle in her eyes or her perfectly tanned skin. No, it was something much more but he just didn't know what.

He had a plan; to take her to his secret hideout. Hide her away and keep her for himself.

She was beautiful and special, you don't see much of that now and so he wanted to keep her safe.

He fed them all; all three thousand and forty prisoners but saved her for last. He wanted to spend time with her. He wanted to memorize her voice, trace her skin, and learn her secrets.

So he woke her up and she was startled. She didn't expect to wake up to such a hideous face at six in the morning.

"What do you want!" Her groggy voice had no power but she still tried to act strong.

He visibly swallows hard and answers in his gruff voice, "Your food and water."

"Good. Now go away!" She tries to order him but who is she kidding? She is the one locked up.

"Not until you answer some questions."

She waits for his first question but instead asks one of her own, "Why? Do you have to do that for the rest?"

He quickly makes the lie, "Yes." But all he wants is to know more about her.

He clears his throat, "What is your name?"

She rolls her eyes, do they really have to know this? They are gonna kill and eat her soon...aren't they? "Lauren Green."

He nods. It's a beautiful name but of course he can't say that out loud.  "What is your age?" He asks another question wanting to quickly learn about her.

"Sixteen." Her voice cracks at the end and she wishes she wasn't so weak.

He nods and he continues to ask questions while she continues to answer.

After about thirty minutes he leaves and slightly smiles. He has learned so much about her in so little time.

He had learnt that her favorite color was teal, she loved art, she hated the dark, and she loved music.

He knew that in three days he would steal her away into his hideout. But first he had to get it set up all nice for her.

But where could he go to find light bulbs, teal and artsy stuff, and music?

He had to go back up. Up onto Earth. But how will he not get caught? He knew that his own kind slept during the day so he made up his decision.

In an hour he will 'shop' for the materials.

Hey guys!! So guess what?

It's question time!!!
What is your celebrity crush?


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