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She had waited for what seemed like an eternity. But it had only been half an hour when he flew in, exhausted from the hurried flight.

"What happened?!" she screeched, angry because of the time but worried for his safety. Wait, was she worried for his safety? No! Yes...maybe....she didn't know.

While he was wheezing away, he put up his finger to single that it will take a minute to get him to talk.

She gave him thirty seconds before she blew up, not being so patient enough, "Well?!"

"Fine!" he yelled still wheezing away but he had to tell her, "They are..*wheeze* experimenting on the humans to...*wheeze* try and make my species hu-*wheeze* human again..."

She was in shock, all this time they thought the Stone Devils were capturing and eating the humans. No, this was way worse, they are basically killing humans without further reason.

After he had gotten his breath back he continues, "They have been experimenting for years and have never found anything positive. Nothing works. They have tried everything so far and nothing has worked"

She is furiated, she has to stop this, "They have to stop this! Take me there!"

"What!? Are you crazy, wait, don't answer that."

"Come on you big baby! What have we got to lose?"

You. He thinks silently in his head.

"Lets go!" she goes to the edge of the cave but he does not follow, "What are you waiting for?"

For you to change your mind, "Lets just sleep on this. Please, we will do it in a...week!" he so despritly does not want to go back, especially carying such a precious load.

She thinks for a second, "Tomorrow!"

Too early, "Five days."

"Three days!" she wants to help.

"Four days." She gives up and stomps back to the couch and stubbornly sits down.

He mentally gives himself a slight pat on the back and goes to get a movie. He picks out Warm Bodies and sits beside her, loving the warmth she gives off.

She hated this movie and wanted to leave but he was so warm, she had to stay.

About half way through the movie he starts to make a move. He yawns and puts his arm around her. She scoffs and rolls her eyes but does not move him. For a Stone Devil he sure does not feel like stone, she thought to herself.

She likes the way she feels against him, but is this right? Can a human and a beast be together? She does not think any further but she does like him. So she leaves her answer with that.

They finish the movie and she has fell asleep, so he gently picks her up and caries her to bed. because she woke up but decided to pretend to sleep, she can see him through half closed eyes.

He knew she was half awake but decided to just go with it. He put the covers onto her still clothed body and turns to leave.

"Wait." Her voice stops him. "Stay.." he turns and sees her face still sleepy but her wide eyes showed fear, he knew about her nightmares but thought they'd go away.

He slowly removes the covers and she moves over. He says a slight 'goodnight' and turns away from her. She gently took his hand and wrapped herself around him, making them cuddle. He was surprised but again, went with it. "Goodnight" she says, and he whispers "Goodnight" in her ear.

He fell asleep yet again but no nightmare came, and neither to her. It was a dreamless nigh for the both, and their bodies both fit perfectly. They seemed like a couple in love, the way they are now. But he was close to that and she was not.

She thought it could never work out. He didn't either, but their affection to each other was growing fast. Soon they both thought, soon.

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