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It was supper time and they were having a tickle war. Who ever called 'mercy' lost, but Josh always seemed to win. Until Lauren played a nasty move, once she was pinned down she pecked his lips then flipped them over.

His eyes went wide and so did hers but in a mocking kind of way. He then smiled and laughed. She soon followed but started to tickle him. He wouldn't call mercy until she gave him another kiss. When she did he whispered, "mercy" and stared into her eyes. But after what had seemed like five minutes that was only thirty seconds, he turned serious. She noticed and was automatically worried. "What's wrong?"

He sighed, rolled over then spoke softly as if she was a china doll, "I really like you. And I hope we become a thing because my stone heart has never thumped against my chest until I saw you. At the exact moment I saw you, I knew how special you were. You had a light that lingered around you when you walked. Had a halo above your head when you talked. And when you looked at me, you had tugged at my heart. I really do hope to become human again and not for my sake but because I know you wouldn't date anyone who is stone. I hope that you fall for me the way I helplessly fell for you. I..." He was hesitant. Should he say that word? Would he Dare? Yes! No! Ugh!

He made up his mind. If she hates him forever after this, so what? It would hurt more if he had to push these feelings away any further. And that wasn't so bad, was it? "I-I lo-love you. I love you! I love you!" He raised his voice with each sentence wanting her to know how much she means to him.

She was shocked. She had never fell in love before and was scared to try. What if he decides he hates her after she said "I love you"? What if this was just a crush? She didn't want to put her heart out if it just got burned. But she had to say something.

She didn't look at him, "I-I care very deeply for you too" she spoke quietly and slowly then got up quickly to get away not wanting to see the look on his face.

When he heard the words, "I care very deeply for you too" he felt like his heart had frozen and it did. Everything that was achieved through these days of love had gone down the gutter. He changed back to his old self and his heart soon cracked into stone once again. Except this time it had added another layer of stone, trying to protect itself from anymore harm.

His eyes became terrifying to look at for they had darkened into a black and now looked like an endless pit ready to swallow anything in its way.

His wings became sharp on the ends and changed back to stone. His wings, claws, and teeth had also lengthened an inch more than before.

His mind became dark and soon had created new dark thoughts. He had now never wanted to ever love her. He hates himself for it, he thought being a stone devil was bad enough but this was worse. Loving a human, what was he thinking? He flew out of his safety cave to clear his mind.

She ran to the bathroom and thought it over and over again imagining the look on his face. About two minutes of this, she left to her bedroom and just stared at the wall thinking over and over again his speech and what she had told him.

Her mind had wandered and regretted ever saying that. Lauren thought it was just a crush. But was it? Yes, they had only known each other for a couple days. Was her fear keeping her from loving him? Yes...yes it was.

She wanted to tell him how much she was sorry but when she left to find him, he was gone. 'Why would he leave?' She thought. But then she remembered why, it was her fault. Her fault and no one else's.

She had now wondered where he went. But would he be ok?

He flew for what seemed like hours and flew strait into his own kind's land. He hadn't noticed this until a net came at his face. He dodged but a siren went off in the distant and he tried to fly faster. His new extended wings were clumsy and needed to be used more to get used to. He was worried but not for himself but for Lauren. What is she going to do without me to protect her? How is she gonna get more supplies? Wait! He shouldn't care about her anymore...should he?

His thoughts were interrupted by a gun shot. Pain rippled from his chest to all over his body, he had been hit. He twisted and turned towards the ground below. Where many of stone Devils waited for his poor landing.

Once he had crashed into earth and twigs, more of the stone Devils came after him. "You are under arrest for stealing a human and running away. Twice. Take him away!" One of the head of the stone devils ordered.

His body felt heavy and weak. He knew he would be dead within two days since the stone devils only use poison in their bullets. He felt a prick at his neck and his body fell limp. He knew this was not good and that he would be experimented on. His eyes drifted off into sleep, and his last thoughts were of Lauren rejecting his love.


I know, I know it's short but I didn't know how to end it so...

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