new girl on the block

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A/N this chapter will be long just I plan the ending chapter will be too... And just to let you know I'm using details from the original story from MrCreepyPasta... feel free to listen to the original story on top ^ ... so read on my lovely readers <3


"(Y/N) are your things packed?" mom asks walking into my room. I look around my almost empty room, "Just about... I still need to pack my art supplies" I say with a fake smile. "Well hurry up we have to be on the road by 8." Mom says walking out my room.

Uggggg!! why do we have to move anyway? I might not have friends but I'm still happy where I'm at! Plus why do we have to move to Virginia? It's so far away from California!

I complain the whole time I pack my art supplies, by the time I'm finished it's 7:01. That was a lot quicker than i expected it to be. I go downstairs into the kitchen, to see my mom cooking breakfast. ~A/N if you haven't caught on yet it's 8 in the morning~ She hands me a plate of pancakes, "Don't you think it's a little early to leave at 8?" I asked trying not to show that I want her to change her mind, "No... it's a very long trip." she says raising a eyebrow. I try not to pout while eating my pancakes, we all eat until we're full. It's 7:50 by the time we finished eating, we hurry and put everything into the truck. Before we leave I grab a cooler and fill it with ice, snacks, and drinks. We put the cooler into the back seat, and started to drive.

~Time skip because I'm to lazy to write (39 hours later)~

My mom and dad woke me up saying we were at the new house. I looked at my phone's front view camera, I'm a mess! My once (H/L) (H/C) looked as if a tornado had hit, I try to comb the wild beast from my hair. I look out of the truck's window and see our new house, it was two stories tall and it was brick, and it had the color palette of gray and black.

We get out of the truck and start unloading, I bring in my bed frames into a room on the left side of the house. I also bring in my mattress, desk, dresser,desk chair,mirror, and shelves. I set up my bed and place everything where I want it. I bring in my box of hangers and my suitcases of clothes and shoes. I put my clothes in the closet and dresser. I pick out some clothes and put them on, it was a (F/C) muscle shirt with black skinny jeans I also put on some (F/C) high tops. I go outside and grab the rest of my stuff and bring it up to my room.

I walk back outside,"Can I go see the neighbors?" I asked. I have nothing else to do so why not, and why not try to make friends. "Sure honey" my dad says "Be safe!" my mom calls to me.

I walk to the neighbors left to the house (my side), I knock on the door for it to be answered by a man who had the odor of booze. "What the fuck do you want?" he asked in an intoxicated voice. "Uh... I'm new to the n-" I was interrupted as he suddenly closed the door in my face. As soon as I was about to walk away I hear though the door, "TOBY! get your ass down here!" everything goes silent for a moment. Then a boy steps out, he seems cute but looked as if something was wrong. His brown hair went every which way,his skin almost looked gray,he had very dark eyes compared to that guy who came out..., and he even slouched a little too. "H-hi..." he says twitching, "Hi... my name is (Y/N)..." Toby holds out his hand,"I'm t-t-Toby..." he says hesitating "s-s-sorry for t-twitching s-so m-m-much..." i shook his hand "It's ok.." "I'm new and i don't know much of this neighborhood...Can you show me around?" i asked "uh... s-sure..." he says blushing looking the other way.

~TIME SKIP!!!! (after walking half the day!)~

We get back to our part of the neighborhood "bye..." toby says walking away "Uh..." I said holding out my hands like a little girl wanting to be picked up. "I had I fun time... maybe you can show me around school?" I say putting my hands in my back pockets rocking back in forth. Toby smiles for a second "Sure... Sweet dreams." he says walking away. "Night" I say to myself trying to say it out loud. He heard me and I could tell by the smile on his face.

I walk into the house to be greeted by my dad cooking dinner "Did you have a good time? Meet anyone new?" He asked keeping his focus on cooking. "Yeah... I met a kid... I think there my age.." I say dashing upstairs. I pass my mom on the way, "I had a good time! LOVE YOU!" I call passing her on the steps.

I go into my room and get changed into my pajamas, I felt as if I was being watched from my window. Out of curiosity i look out my window and see toby staring at me, he didn't seem to notice me (that i saw him). But once he did his face turned crimson, he just backed away and closed the curtains. I felt embarrassed for a moment but brushed it off. I turned off the lights and layed in bed until i fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up with a jolt, I felt a presence of another person in the room, I look over at my window and see Toby crouching on my windowsill. Except he didn't look like himself, instead of his shy dark brown eyes... His eyes were cold and blank. His hair didn't show as much because of the brown hoodie covering his head. His mouth didn't show because of the mouthguard covering his mouth down to his chin. I blinked a couple of time and he was gone, I checked the time on my phone 12:00 A.M. I sat in bed for a minute then brushed of the image that i just saw, and went back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to my alarm going off, I look at my phone 6:05 A.M. crap i slept through my first alarm and woke to the reminder. I get dressed in skinny jeans and put on my (F/C) shirt with some black high tops. I grab my backpack I had ready from the night before and go down stairs. I grab left over pancakes and heat them up in the microwave. I put them into a container with two forks, maybe Toby would like some.

As I walk outside i call to my parents upstairs "LOVE YOU! See you when i get home!" I walk over to toby's house and see him outside sitting on the front porch. "Do you like pancakes? Do you want some?" i ask handing him a fork and the container. "Sure... they look good!" he says digging in, by the time we had to leave all of the pancakes were gone. "Wow you really like pancakes don't you?" i say surprised that he had eaten almost all the pancakes. "Yeah.. my mom used to make them a lot when i was little and HE wasn't around." he says as his nose twitched at the thought of HIM. "I don't mean to bud in or anything but why don't you like that guy?" I asked curious. "Because he abuses me and my sister... and he basicly rapes my mom in front of us..." he says angrily looking away. "I'm sorry..." i say i am full of regret of asking him that.

We just walk into school when suddenly a guy comes up to Toby and punches Toby in his stomach "Fag!" The boy calls running away... I take detail about him and save it: tall,blond,muscular,blue eyes,cheekbones, and football player (shirt)

Toby looks at me surprised as if he knows what I'm going to do or a if he's worried about what I am going to do... and he should be because no one messes with Toby!

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