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~A/N~ I've seen new ways i guess that look cool for typing just little things that i'm going to start doing if you don't like it put it in the comments and i will possibly go back to typing how i usually did... OH and I also write my stories in advance so that's why it says Christmas break in it... I know I know I should of updated it then... But people get lazy and I am one of those people!!! \(T-T)/ I'M SORRY! And with that read on my readers! <3


I woke up in the morning with a bad feeling....

as if something bad happened...

I still had 1more day of winter break left... One more day of peace without bullies and with Toby...

I got dressed, went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I walk down stairs and grab my jacket and boots, I don't bother telling my parents were I'm going I normally go to Toby's. I walk over to Toby's house and knock on the door, hoping that Toby's dad didnt answer it .

The door opened and reeled Lyra's face "Hey girly!" She greeted me with a warm smile

. "Is Toby home?" I ask, Lyra's face changed to a frown... "He wasn't home this morning.... I think he ran away again... Because of HIM..." she says pointing at their dad sleeping on the couch holding a bottle of vodka. "Last night he was here, but then I went to check up on him because HE had a tantrum again and hit him, but when I went to his room he wasn't there." she says her voice crackling.

"Lyra can we go for a walk>" I say basically pulling her our of the house. She knows when I'm serious and something's wrong, she obviously took notice and walked out closing the door behind her. "Lyra please don't get mad...Me and Toby snook our last night and then he told me not to worry about him then he walked off.." I say tears welding in my eyes. "Girly don't cry..." she says wiping mu tears "Why are you crying anyway... he's fine he used to do this alot..." She says with a concerned look "I'm just scared of what might happen to him..." I say feeling warm streams go down my cheeks. I really care about Toby and this is how its showing.


We walk back to her house. "Wanna spend the night at my house?" I ask "Sure if its ok with your parents.." she says smiling, I text my parents if she could and they say yes. We walk into her house and into her room for her to get her stuff. when she has her stuff together he slowly sneak out trying not to wake the beast sleeping on the couch.

We walk to my house and do girly things: hair, makeup, talk about guys (you didnt mention Toby... That would be weird...), and we even had a pillow fight.

By the end of the night we were tired. We both got ready for bed, and we set up our sleeping bags on the floor. We slept peacefully... Well Lyra did, I woke up to a taping noise at my window.

I slowly get up and walk overt to the window and see Toby. I open the window and simi whisper yell his name "Toby?!" I stick my window to make sure it was him. "Tob-" I was cutt off by him pulling me out of the room. He pulled my onto the roof, "Toby why did you do that? I ask getting in his face. "I didn't want to wake Lyra..." he says playfully pushing my face out of the way,he looks up at the stars... he doesn't seem bothered by me in a tanktop and shorts. "Why did you not go home yesterday?" I ask "I ha-had to ha-han-dle stu-stuff..." he says keeping his eyes on the stars "Toby...." I say glaring at him hoping he would tell me. He looked at me then suddenly pushed me backwards onto the roof, I was surprised at first but realized he wanted me to look at the stars with him.

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