Chapter 5

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Flora's point of view.

I woke up, confused and worried. I didn't know where I was or what was going on. Then realisation hit me. I was in hospital. The memories of the night before came rushing back to me as I remembered everything that happened. I sat there alone and panicking for I don't know how long until the door opened.
I looked up to see Pete. His eyes were red as if he'd been crying and his skin was pale.
All the questions that I had to ask him flew out of my mouth all at once.
"Where's Josh? Is he okay? How long have I been here? Where are the others?"
Pete was silent for a moment until finally he said "He's dead."
What? I didn't know what to do. I went into shock. I felt like I should be crying but no tears came out I just sat there in silence.
Pete moved across the room and sat on the chair next to my bed. He put his head in his hands and we both sat in silence until the emotions caught up with me and I began to cry.
I couldn't believe it. My oldest friend was gone forever. I wish that we hadn't spent the past two years apart because that's two year that I missed spending time with the person who means the most to me.
It's all my fault. If I had just walked home then this would never had happened. I wouldn't have been there to distract Josh and he would have been focusing on the road but instead I sat beside him in the car and because of me he died.
"Can I go and see him?" I asked Pete who had been sat there with his head in his hands for the past few minutes.
He sat up and looked at me.
"The doctors said that you're in a severe condition after the accident and it's probably best you don't get up."
I'd been so worried about Josh that I hadn't even noticed the condition that I was in. There were machines and tubes and wires everywhere.
At that moment a doctor walked in:
"Hello, you must be Flora." She was unusually happy considering the fact that I'd just been in a car crash and my best friend had just died.
"I know that a lot has happened to you in the last 24 hours and you've had a lot of information to take in but I'm afraid there's some more." she continued.
"I'm very sorry to tell you that in your crash you were very badly injured and we will have to operate."

A/n: Hello. I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I know it's been ages since I updated this but we are nearing the end of this story now.

I will be posting chapter 6 later on today. Xx

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