Chapter 4

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The gig ended and the first thing I did was go over to Flora to talk to her.
"I forgot how good you guys were." She smiled.
"Thanks." I replied.
"Look, Josh, I gotta tell you something." Before she could finish Pete appeared out of nowhere.
"Flora! It's so good to see you. It been ages since we last saw each other." He said smiling from ear to ear.
"It has. Almost two years since I was last in Cavan." Her smile was equally as big as the one on Pete's face. I had never seen her smile like that when I walked into a room, but I suppose Pete has never dated her for a bet. 
"Really? What made you come back?" She glanced at me then her gaze fell back onto Pete.
"I always hated this place but it's home and wherever I go, I believe that I will always find myself back here."
There were a few moments of silence and then she said
"I think I'm gonna head home now. I'll probably see you tomorrow seeing as you're my neighbour, Josh. It was nice to see you again Pete and the band are still just as good as I remember."
Pete pulled her into a hug.
"How are you getting home?"  I asked wanting to make sure she's safe.
"I'm just gonna walk." She replied.
"I can drive you home if you want." I said.
"No, it's fine. I can walk."
"You can say you're gonna walk all you want but I'm still gonna drive you home (a/n: tried so hard to fit that pun into a sentence). I can't let you walk around in the dark at night. Anything could happen."
"Okay. Thanks." She replied.
"Tell the lads I'll see them tomorrow." I said to Pete and with that me and Flora headed to the car.

We were halfway home when Flora broke the silence between us.
"I know we've made up after what happened but at the moment I'd rather we stuck to just friends." She said.
Stupid me. Thinking that after two years we would just fall back into each others arms. At least we could still be friends. I could live with that.
"So, are we friends?" She asked.
"Friends." I replied smiling to myself.
I was about to tell her that I had missed her over the past couple of years and that I was happy she was back but as a result of turning to look at her to tell her I stopped looking at the road.
It happened so fast. First the scream, then the desperate effort to get out of the way of the van that was coming towards us. Then the hit. That's the last thing I remember....

I'm not sure if anyone even reads this but if you do then thank you very much. Let me know what you think, even if you hate it, it gives me a chance to improve.
Question: who's your favourite member of the strypes?

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