Chapter 3

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I spent the afternoon at her house helping her unpack. We spoke about what has happened since we last saw each other and we retold old stories from when we were young.

The first thing I did when I got home was call Ross.
"Hello?" He said
"Hey Ross, it's me, Josh."
"Well, she didn't kill you which is great."
"No, she didn't kill me. Infant she forgave me. After all I did she forgave. What sort of wonderful person forgives an idiot like me? I told her that I loved her which is something that I've been trying to say forever so, to be honest mate, it couldn't have gone better." I told him.
"See, I said it'd be okay. Well done mate, I'm happy for you. Look, I've gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow at the gig. Bye."
And with that he was gone. Leaving me a smiling mess.


Before I new it a day had came and went and I was now at the gig. We were playing in a pub in Cavan and I was stood at the bar with Ross, Pete and Evan. While we were waiting to be served we started talking. I wasn't really listening until I heard Pete say to me
"Has anybody moved into the house next door to you yet Josh?" 
"Um.. Yeah, they have. Actually, the person who moved in is someone you might know." I replied.
"Oh yeah? Who is it?"
"It's umm.. It's erm.... It's Flora Moore."
Evan and Ross who had been having their own conversation both turned to look at me.
"Flora Moore's back in Cavan? After what you did mate I'm surprised she's even in the same country as you let alone town."  Expressed Evan.
"Well, we've sorted things out between us now." I replied smiling.
"She forgave you?"
"Don't sound so surprised. You're forgetting that I've got the charm to make people like me." I joked.
"Seriously though, she forgave you? I knew she was a wonderful person but being able to forgive you for what you done is quite amazing."
"She didn't just forgive me Evan, she told me she loved me. She said that the reason she had to get out of town after she found out that our relationship was a dare was because she loved me and it hurt to much to look at me and I told her that I love her too." I told him smiling even more than before.
"You've lived her since the day you two met and you've only just told her? I thought you were supposed to be good with girls."

Flashback to the first day of school.

"Don't you just love first days?" I said as I sat down beside her and she gave me a weird look, "Do I know you?"
"No. It's a shame you don't. But I'd like to get to know you." I smiled and she rolled her eyes, "It's the first day of school, I'm not in the mood for flirting."

*back to present day*
I was daydreaming about when we first met until Pete snapped me out of the trance. "Come on mate, it's time to play."
I got on stage plugging my guitar into the amp. As we played our first song the gig seemed to be going pretty well. I always loved hometown gigs. Just as hometown girls kicked in I saw her stood in the corner smiling and singing along. Ironic really because she was the one the song was written about and here I am playing it in a pub in my hometown while my hometown girl sing along.

A/n: sorry this chapter took so long to post. I wrote it a while ago and thought I'd published it but turns out o hadn't.

Q: Do you prefer snapshot or little victories?

Still gonna drive you home - Josh McClrorey fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now