Chapter 2

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"It's been three years friend" she said so quietly it took me a while to realise what she'd said.
"I don't think I even deserve to be your friend after what I did to you" We both fell silent, but our brains didn't. On the outside we were quiet but in the inside we were both thinking about what happened while also trying to think of what to say to break the icy silence.
"Why do you hate me so much?" She suddenly said out of nowhere.
I opened my mouth but it took a few second for me to form the words.
"I don't hate you. You should be the one hating me. I always used to get frustrated that you could accomplish great things. Things beyond me and this rundown city. But you choose to stay here. You waste your potential because you want to stay here because everyone you've ever cared about lives in this shit hole and you're too scared to leave them. When we were younger you used to tell me that one day you would change the world and I honestly believed that you would but instead of going out into the world and doing something life changing you stayed here." All my feeling all fell out of my mouth all at once and it was like dropping a puzzle on the floor and trying to put it together before the pieces hit the ground.
"And we all know why you hate me so there's no need for me to ask."
There was another small silence but then in nothing more than a whisper she said
"I stayed here because of you."
"I stayed here because you were here. You were the only person who was there for me when I needed someone to talk to."
"But, what about what I did to you when I was dared to date you during a drunk game of truth or dare? After I sobered up I realised just how much I loved you but when you found out it was just a dare I couldn't tell you the truth because you wouldn't believe me anyway so I just let you go and I've regretted it everyday since."
"You think I'm just gonna forgive you because you told me that you actually liked me all along. I may look stupid McClrorey, but I can tell when your lying so don't go making this even worse than it already is." She replied in rage, tears began falling down her face and I hugged her but to my surprise she didn't jump back, in fact, she hugged me back and we both sat on the doorstep of her house hugging and crying together.
"I'm not lying, I did really have feelings for you but was to scared to admit it." I confessed.
"I had feelings for you to. That's why I was so heartbroken when I found out about the bet." She replied, still crying.
"I still do." She said.
"So do I." I replied.

Thank you guys for reading this. I don't think this chapter is as good as chapter 1 but let me know what you think by commenting. Also I'm going to start question of the day.

Today's question of the day is: what is your favourite song by the Strypes?

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