Chapter 1: My Past- Coora

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Aye, being on this ship with a new crew is brutal. I mean, no one knows if a mutiny will start on ye. The last crew I was on betrayed me and never protected the ship. It was all that british one Atza, that took me ship down. The next time I see her face, it will be the end of her life.

Aye, we had a huge past with each other as well. We grew up with each other on the mainland. Aye, who knew that we'd be aimin' swords at each other. We always used to make fun of the pirates that came to the mainland. We used to pretend we were pirates ourselves.

But, one day, we were separated. Me friend moved to Britain, and I never saw her, till one day. I got a letter, in her handwriting. It said:


My friend, I miss you dearly. It gives me pleasure that I have the best of news. You know how we always wanted to be pirates? Well, I got a ship, and I'm comin' to Ireland to pick ye up. If ye wants to be a pirate with me, I'll be reachin' there on February 10th. Come to the docks at 5:00 P.M.

Your dearest friend,


I did go to the docks, if that's what ye are wonderin'. We became co-captains of one ship. We got a few other friends to join our crew. It was all fun in games, until we raided our first ship.

Oh, but not just any ship. No. It was Captain Rockhart's ship; the most feared pirate of the seven seas. Argh, I still remember the look on his face, when he realized he was beaten by a couple of ladies.

We swam in gold and riches since that day on. Aye, but one day, we were dancin' jigs on land and little did I know, that they were planning a mutiny on me.

I never understood why they wanted a mutiny on me. All I knew and remembered, was the look on Atza's face. It looked like she was sorry. I can never believe her no more. Hmph.

Aye, enough talk about me past, this is the present now.

Being on this new crew is harsh. It's not as trustable as me last crew. Aye, there's me talkin' about me past, again.

"Aye!" Ryan,the first mate,yelled, "Coora, give me a hand here."

He was puttin' up the sails. I rolled me eyes but helped him. I was the strongest one, on that crew. It was a huge reason the captain let me use the Sword of Irony. The darned thing was apparently a heavy hulk of metal. The rest of the crew couldn't even pick up the thing. I could actually use it in battle. I renamed the thing to The Blade of Hope.

After I was done helpin' Ryan, he walked off, but stop mid-way.

"By the way," he added, "Captain wants to speak with ye."

"Aye," I replied, "Why's that?"

"How in the bloody name am I supposed to know?" he teased.


"Aye, he wants to tell ye something about the map ye gave 'em. Says there's something good about it."

"Hmph, and there is."

He nodded and walked up towards the steering wheel.

I walked me way towards the captain's cabin, and I opened the door. He looked up from his desk and smirked.

The captain had this stubble of a beard and always made someone walk the plank if they talked bad about it. His hair was dark brown, along with his eyes. And, he wore this Spanish sailor's suit, even though he wasn't from Spain himself.

"Aye," he scoffed, "I've been expecting you."

"Be more obvious and I'll be takin' back me map I gave ye," I barked back.
"Hmph, seems like ye have still got some of that captain ye in ya, I see."
I growled and looked at the map. It was the same map that Atza and I were going to follow.

"Oy, about the map," he said.

"What do ye want to know?" I asked, arms crossed.

"I want to know where this here thing will lead us."

I shrugged.

"How am I supposed to know. I was gonna go to this exact place before me mutiny."

He chuckled.

"Aye, and what became of ye?"

I just about had it with this 'ere captain. I let out a sharp breath and tightened me hands into fists. The captain flinched when he saw me do that. He knew what would happen, if I punched him. Aye, ye are lucky that I'm not explainin' it.

"Aye," he stuttered, "I-I didn't mean to hurt ye las... but... Argh, on to the map."

"I just told ye," I snapped, "I don't know a thing about where that darned map leads. All I know is that the place holds lots of treasue."

He scowled at me and waved me off. I nodded and stomped off.

The cabin boy, Dylan, was in front of the door, when I got out, and he bumped into me.

"A-aye!" he said, "I-I'm sorry, Coora."
I smiled.

"What do ye need to be sorry for? I mean, it's not like ye knew I was here."
He nodded and headed into the captain's cabin.

Dylan was always the one to be shy. Ever since I've been on this ship, he's been shy to everyone. I thought it was because no one treated him well. But, then again, what cabin boy on a pirate's ship would be treated good?

Night had fallen on the ship, and everyone was asleep. I creeped me way out towards the deck, and I leaned on the edge of the ship. The breeze was perfect at this time. I closed me eyes and felt the wind on me face. It then lifted the hair out of the way of me right eye, and I quickly fixed it.

Aye, I had a scarred eye. I never wanted to wear an eyepatch, so I just went with puttin' me hair in front of me eye. I remember that a knife slashed that eye, and it turned silver. It was a few days after me mutiny. I can still see out of the blabberin' thing, but only I knew that it turned silver. And I was willin' to keep that secret.

I looked up into the sky, and stars overwhelmed it. Dark blue and purple areas splotched everywhere, and white sparkles of stars made it shine. I smile when I think of the times when Atza and I would play Pirates.


The thought of her name made me smile turn into a frown. I never thought that the times of us dressing up like pirates would actually lead us into being like 'em.

I then looked at me clothes and chuckled. We would wear the same style of clothes, but they would be different colors. Hers would be blue and black, while mine would be pink and white. I even remembered she tried to put on a fake peg leg.

I then felt a hand on me shoulder, so I turned around to see it was Dylan.

"Aye," I said, "Is there a reason yer up so late?"

"I was just wonderin' what yer doin' up 'ere," he replied.

I shrugged and looked back into the sky.

"I guess that it reminds me of me friend," I finally replied, "As kids we would always come to the docks and watch the night sky. One day though, she moved to England and got a ship. We raided Rockheart's ship and everythin'. The mutiny really broke our bond...."

"Wait!" he disclaimed, grabbing me arm, "Ye and yer crew were the ones to stop Rockhart?"

"Aye," I replied, ripping me arm out of his grip, "What's it to ye?"

"It's just," he stuttered, "We heard from the mainland so many stories about the crew. Who knew it was ye who did it."

"Aye! Is that an insult?"

"W-what!? No! I was just sayin' that it's amazin' that ye are on our ship."

I smirked.

"Aye, if that was an insult-"

"I would be the idiot to insult ye!"

I nodded and walked towards me cabin to sleep.  

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