Chapter 11: Irish Play- Coora

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K.C.T: Play the music at 1.25 for the speed

The place was just as I left it. The fireplace was black, with ashes of wood, the bookcases looked dusty and old, and the candles were still the same size.

Me father probably wasn't back yet.

"Let's go to your room!" Atza said, "I'm sure that'll make you better." I ran to my room, and I was overwhelmed with nostalgia. The pink room had the yellow curtains, with the light purple and pink bed. The yellow and blue flowers, with heart shaped leaves, reminded me of when I painted them. I looked out the window, and Atza's window was open.

Back in the old days.

"Oh my God," Atza interrupted, "This is so... I don't know."

"Memory lane has decided to be the next turn," I replied, "I forgot what it felt like, to be in this room. All nice and relaxed."

"Aye!" I heard, from the window, "Is that Coora's room?" I looked out the window, and Alex and Dylan were leanin' on the window's ledge. I looked at my window's ledge, and there were a couple pebbles.

I used to throw pebbles. at Atza's window, to get her attention. I picked up one of the pebbles, and threw it in the guy's faces. Dylan dodged it, but it hit Alex smack dab on his nose.

Ouch, that's gotta hurt!

"Aye!" he yelled, holdin' his nose "What the hell was that for, las?" Atza and I both laughed. Okay, I'm sorry, but that was good.

"Aye," I said, "Too weak, to handle a small rock?"

"That thin' was sharp!" He yelled, "Aye, Dylan, is me nose bleedin'?"

"No," he answered, "It's just red." Alex glared at me and shook him head.

"Aye," I said, "How do ye deal with Atza, if ye can't even handle me throwin' rocks at ye?"

"I still don't get that, lad," Atza agreed, "How do ye deal with me devilish?" He shrugged, and I went back to lookin' at me room. I saw that me desk was there.

I walked over to the wooden thin' and looked at the old drawings I made, and me violin. The paper was soft and delicate, from aging, and me violin was dusty, with the rosin of the bow. I picked up me drawin' and realized it was a picture of a girl cryin'. Her head was down, on a table, and it was a dark mood type feelin'.

"Coora?" Atza said, putting her hand on me shoulder, "You okay?" I glanced to her, and I saw she was lookin' at the picture. I quickly put it away, and picked up me violin. I took some rosin, from the corner of me desk, and rosined me bow.

I played the G and D strings together, and tuned them. I did the same with D and A, and A and E. Once I knew it was completely tuned, I looked to Atza, and smirked. She caught it, and smiled, standing back.

I started playin' me favorite song. It was called Blackberry Blossom. Aye, the first time I learned it, I was dancin' jigs. It was a fiddle song, but who cares? Ye can still play a fiddle tune on a violin!

Atza started dancin' and she locked in our arms. We started dancin' in circles, as I played on. I felt a huge toothy smile pull at me lips, as I played more and more. I looked over at the window, and I saw that the guys were dancin along. I played the tune a bit faster, and I felt meself release and dance me own jigs.

I spun in multiple circles, over and over again, until the end of the song.

I gotta say, I'm really happy that I still remember that song.

K.C.T: What do ye do when you're sick? Write a chapter, for crying out loud, lads and lases! XD <3

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