Chapter 6: The Jewel- Atza

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I was so sad too see her leave right after we just got back together. She still has that Northern Irish accent of her's and everythin'. I heard somethin' jingle in me hat, so I took it off and saw a blue diamond heart, with a devil horn, on one half, and a siamese devil's tail, this was important to me she remembered how much fun we had me we were kids. This was the most important thing to me now. I noticed a paper stickin' to the back of it. It's a copy of a map that we were gonna find treasure with, from before. This was the map to the treasure she was talkin' about! She wanted us to come too.

I held the diamond in me hand. It was the symbol we made as kids. Coora's was a heart, with a peace sign, and flower petals around it. I wonder if she stole this from the treasure room in her ship. I shook the thought out of me head and put the symbol in me captain's jacket pocket. I walked out of me cabin and looked at Coora's ship. They were leavin' for the Rockhart's Pirate Cove, that's is where is the treasure is. We stole the map from Rockhart and planned to follow it, but then the mutiny, and well, everythin' went wrong.

"Ye okay, Atza?" Alex asked.

"What? Of course, why would you think anything is wrong?"

"Yer hands are shakin'." I then notice me hands shakin'.

"You should know I'm very fidgety." He looked at me suspiciously

"Don't you lie to me missy. I can still pull a sword not as well as you, but I still can." I looked to him in a way that said "Really, just really" He replied in a sincere way

"Hey, come on, I've been learnin', and ye know you can tell me anything las." He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Why must ye be so persuasive mate!?" I looked at him with a smile and pulled him inside me captain quarters.

"Okay ye got me to tell ye." I reached into me pocket to get me jewel, but all I felt was an empty pocket.

"No No No NO NO NO! This can't be happenin' again" I was on the verge of tears. Alex was lookin' me like I was a completely different person

"What is wrong las, I've never seen ye like this before. You've never actually shown any tears." My eyes were waterin'. He came up to me and wiped away me tears.

"Come on now what's wrong las, it can't be to bad, can it?" I looked at him, he nodded for me to talk.

"My... my jewel, it was very very important to me. Why does this always happened to me?" I put my face in me hands and fell to the floor. I felt a hand on me shoulder. I already knew who it was. Alex.

"We will find it, come on, las." He put a hand in front of me. I grabbed it, and he pulled me up. The momentum pulled me up to his face. Our faces were a few inch away. I started blushin'. I think I did like Alex. Darn it, Coora was right. WHAT THE HECK.. It's like she's cupid, or somethin' weird like that.

I wanted to step away, but I couldn't get the courage to let go. He was cute. Yes, I know, so blatant WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! I DON'T LIKE MUSHY THINGS! Alex looked at me with his green eyes and he was also blushin'. He was shy. That lasted for about two seconds, then both of us pulled apart. Alex looked to me

"Well... let's start lookin' for your jewel" He said, still blushin'

"Y-yeah" I felt weird; it was probably me hate for MUSHY THINGS! I then heard somethin' on the deck. I walked out of me cabin to see me cabin boy, Henry holdin' me jewel!

"My God THANK YOU! You found me jewel!" He looked at me confused

"What the heck is it?" he asked me.

"I'm sorry, you wouldn't understand. It's from a childhood friend."

"I understand perfectly. You absolutely mean Coora."


"Everyone knows you know Coora. When you first saw her, you were so giddy it was weird."

"OK you can stop" I took the jem from Henry and ran back in me cabin to see Alex and show him it.

"Alex! Alex look, Henry found it, do you like it?" I ran to him and showed him the blue diamond. He looked at it

"What is it?"

"Coora and I made symbols when we were kids, mine is a heart with a siamese devil tail and one side instead of a curved edge it was pointed. The other side was a normal heart, as you can see. It represents mischief and a little bit of caring. My favorite color is blue as you know. Coora's was a crown at the top was a weird flower with a heart as the pollen and three lines in it. It represents peace, love, and hope, but a little bit of bossyness." He laughed and came closer, replied

"You are the devil, you are the most mischievous person I know, I should know I had 3 brothers.." I looked at him confused

"You have never told me anything about your family, I have told you that my mom died when i was born and I grew up with a family of 4 older brothers. Tell me about your family." I pried at him for a few minutes and he finally gave in

"Fine, telling you this now it's intense las." I nodded and sat on me bed.

"Like you my mom died when I was born. My dad died when I not alive, because of horse carriage mishap. My oldest brother Mitch told me story, my brothers and I had it rough. My second oldest brother, David, left us to travel on a ship. Never saw that arsehole again. My closest to my age was Alan, he died when all of us were traveling to Britain. All I had left of my family was Mitch, but he didn't have hope so he also left me, the only one I knew in my family that cared was Alan. That is me history. Not a typical family eh?" I was surprised he had a such a devastating past.

"Wow, that's sad. Sorry about all that you lost. You don't seem that sad though. Why?"

"They never acted like family they were all arses."

"Ha, ruthless, no mercy." I laughed and fell off the bed. "Well, that hurt." I saw a hand in front of my face. I grabbed it and it pulled me up. Alex and I were a few inches away from each other. He was a few inches taller, so I turned up and looked in his eyes. I pulled back and looked down.

"Let's go." I walked out of the cabin and went to the wheel. 

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