Chapter 9: Little Ireland- Coora

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I woke up, and the sun was risin'. I was on the edge of the deck, and I looked at the shimmerin' sea I rubbed me eye and yawned, stretching me arms out. I turned around and Ryan was there. I stepped back, a bit, because of how close he was.

"Aye," I said, "What do ye want, first mate?"

"Aye," he said, "Why do ye say 'aye' so much?"

"What does that have to do with anythin'?"

"Comes from Ireland, doesn't it? Short and simple, yet odd and strange. It's why most pirates say it."

"And ye are tellin' me this because why?"

"Aye, look over their." He nodded his head, towards this island. Wait, that isn't..... Ireland. Is it? My face was probably full of confusion, because of Ryan addin' on more.

"I heard, from Atza's crew, that ye hate bein' home. Is there an actual reason, las?"

"I-I-I.... Why did ye bring the crew here?"

"It was the closest land. Besides, isn't it nice to ye yer ol' home again?" I pursed me lips together, and thought about everythin' that happened. Mom dyin', Dad leavin', and Atza betrayin' me. Everythin' bad happen 'ere.

"Aye," I scoffed, "Home isn't exactly somethin' I'd like to go back to, lad."

"Say what ye want," he said, walking off, "Yer goin' on the emerald isle, Coora." I took a dart, that I kept in the compartment of me hat, and I threw it, at Ryan's back. Hit him right in the center of him back.

"AH!" He shouted, "Aye, las, what the hell did ye do?" I walked over to him, and forcefully took the dart out of him back. He winced, and he glared at me.

"Aye," I replied, harshly, "If I go, who knows what'll I do to ye." He sniffed, but headed off. I sighed, and put the dart in me compartment. I felt the bracelet, and I smiled. I closed the compartment, and turned around, to nearly knockin' over Dylan.

"Oy!" He said, gettin' back on balance, "Watch it!"

"Aye!" I scowled back, "Watch who ye are talkin' to, lad!"

"Aye, didn't know ye had a temper today. What, Ryan hit a nerve?"

"Argh," I said, leaning on the edge, "I'd rather be seasick, than be on the land, o'er there."

"Why's that, las?"

"Aye, ye can ask Atza 'bout it. That is, if her arse is even 'ere."

"Ouch, ye would never talk about Atza, that way."

"That's what she gets for talkin' about me past to her crew members. Sometimes, that las can be a pain." I felt a nudge, on me arm, and I ignored Dylan's gesture. He kept on smacking me, with his crutch, but I still ignored 'em. Finally, he hit a nerve.

"Aye," I warned, "Knock it off, cabin boy!"

"Ha, what? Got a boy problem, las?" he teased, saying it in my ear. I felt me face heat up. His breath tickled my ear, and it made me shiver. Ugh, I hated that feeling. I looked at him and smacked his arm. He laughed and flicked my forehead.

"Aye, red face," he said, "What, have I won ye over?" I shook me head, but I sorta smirked. I admit, the lad had a bit of humor. Like the Irish men would have, he knows how to flirt with his jokes. Argh, that's what makes me annoyed.

"Psh," I said, "Yer like an Irishman. Ye like to flirt, with yer humor."

"Oy," he answered, putting his arm around me shoulders, "Who said I wanted ye as someone I want, in me life?" We both laughed. God, this lad knows too much. I looked at him and gave 'em me smirk. Just then, shoutin' came from nearby.

"Ah, it's great to be on Ireland!" A female voice shouted.

"Ha!" I heard a man say, "Ye don't even sound like ye came from Ireland, las! That british accent, of yer's, really covers that up." Well, seems like the devil has decided to stop by Ireland! I ran to the front of the ship, and saw Atza talking to Alex, while dancin' on the docks.

"Aye!" I called to her, "What in the devil is the devil doin' 'ere?"

"Oy!" Atza said, spinning towards me, "Didn't even realize this was yer ship!"

"Ha ha! Aye, ye already forgot about me?"

"Hey! You know that I have a horrible memory, las!"

"Aye, this is too true."

"Why don't ye get off that damned ship! C'mon!"

"Atza," I gave her a bit of warning.

"Oh! Right...." I shook me head, and changed the subject.

"Aye, what are ye guys doin' 'ere anyways?"

"Emergency supplies!"

"Oy, didn't ye say that ye already had the things, ye needed?"

"Apparently someone, or something, ate most of our rations. Whatever did that is gonna pay!" She got her sword out, and swung it around.

"Yer makin' it hard to stay up 'ere." Just then, I felt a pair of arms lift me up, and throw me overboard. I screamed, as I felt the cold, salty, waters surround me. I swam up, to surface, and I looked to see who threw me.

"GOD DAMN IT, RYAN!" I shouted, at him sore arse.

"Aye!" he shouted, to me, "That's what ye get, for prankin' me!"

"Argh! Ye are more annoyin' than Atza."

"HEY!" I looked to her.

"It's just the truth, las," I shrugged. She then jumped in, and splashed me. "Aye! This is what I mean!"

Atza began laughin', as I pulled meself up, to the docks, and wrung out me hair. I looked down, and saw that a bit of the water was black. Me hair dye was probably fallin' out.

"Damn it," I swore, "That stupid first mate ruined me hair."

"Aye," Alex said, "I didn't know ye had light brown hair." I felt the wet waves, me hair had, and I sighed. I never thought that I'd be standin' on Ireland, with all me old features.

Well, almost all of 'em.

I then heard a flirtatious whistle, and I turned around, and Dylan was smilin'.

"Sheesh," he said, "Who's this beauty, that came to the shores?"

"Ha ha, very funny, lad," I answered, "Save your flirts for the ladies, from wherever ye came from!"

"Aye!" He said, coming to the docks, "What? Can I not get practice?"

"Oy, yes!" Atza interrupted, as she came to shore, "Please, do so. Then me ship will sail!" I gave Atza a glare, and she started laughin' like crazy. Alex and Dylan eyed us, confused as fuck, which I'm glad they don't understand. I then tapped Atza's shoulder, and she looked to me. I signed:

"Aye, I should tell Alex about what a ship is!" Her eyes widened, and she signed back.

"Don't ye freakin' dare! I WILL MURDER YOU!" I raised me hands, in the air, but signed back.

"Then why not fight?"

"Oh, it's on!" she spoke.

"What are ye two doin'?" Dylan and Alex asked at the same time.

"You'll see," Atza and I said, as we got out our swords. The boys stepped back, as we got into our starting positions. We counted each other off, starting with me.





Our swords went clashing together, making shings and shangs along the blades. I then heard these men cheerin' us on. Good lads, the Irish.

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