My father the butler and my mother the time traveler (black butler fan-fic)

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ok so this is the sequel to I landed in the world of Black Butler. i was going to leave it up to you the reader if i should write one but deiced that i really did so here it is. i might use things from the manga only because i really liked parts of it that didn't end up in the anime but you will have to read to see if i put them in! anyway i hope you like this as much as the first book!

Maxwell's pov.

       i was out in the hall with my uncle Ciel as i wait for mother and father to come out of their room. my mother hadn't been feeling well the last few days and we were all worried about her. we had lived all over for the last few years but we were heading back to where uncle Ciel was born because he wanted to see his old home and where he had lived. my father walks out of their room a small worried look on his face before he looks over at me and my uncle. "she should be fine but i want to take her to a doctor when we get to London." father says before looking me over. he had been teaching me how to be a butler like him because that was his job even if he was running uncle Ciel's business with my mother. i guess not long after they left England they faked uncle Ciel's death for some reason and now 15 years later were going back. i didn't really understand all of it but just do as my mother and father asks. my father looked the same as always and i was surprised that he, mother and uncle Ciel hadn't aged a day since i was born. "she might just have a cold but i drought that." uncle Ciel says before looking away from my father. "she just might be but you shouldn't talk about me like i'm not here. Max are all your things packed and ready to go?" mother ask as she walks up behind father making uncle Ciel jump a little before giving her a small smile.

         "umm...... well mother you see i got distracted and don't have all my things together." i say before putting a hand on the back of my head. mother laughed a little before taking my free hand. "that's alright Max dear i'll help you get the rest of your thing together seeing as how your father and uncle Ciel have a few things to get done before we leave." mother says as she pulls me in the direction of my room. "Selene you shouldn't be so soft on him." father says but stops talking the moment mother gives him that cold look stopping him from scolding me anymore. my father wasn't a bad person or harsh to me at all but he was a bit of a perfectionist and when i was younger would yell at me for bringing mud into the house. but mom would walk in and yell at him for it before she would make a small mess telling him that children are messy and always will be that was what made children children. once we get to my room mother drops my hand and walks over to where all my clothes were. "are you gong to miss it here?" mother asks. "mother.." i start but she puts a finger to her lips. "how many times must i ask you to call me mom when it's just the two of us?" she asks a little hurt in her eyes that makes me upset for some reason. "mom i liked living here but i really want to see where uncle Ciel grew up and maybe i will make some friends there. you know i don't call you mom often because father said it was very improper to call you such a thing." i say as we fold and put my cloths into my suitcase. "you dad doesn't understand me sometimes. after all this time he still doesn't understand at all." mother says as she puts a hand up as if to take away a head ace. i give a small sigh before hugging her making her sigh. "Max your a good boy and soon your dad will teach you things that you are going to need to know. i don't look forward to that day." mother says in a sad far away voice.

          it didn't take us long to get all my things packed up and down to the front door. we didn't have a lot of things and what we weren't taking with us was put into a old building that uncle Ciel had bought years ago. it had all my old baby things in it and things that weren't needed until i was older. mother and father never talked much about when i was born but she had told me that she wanted me to be born the same place she was but that didn't happen because of something. i was born in England but i don't remember it because we had lived all over. for the last year or 2 we had been staying in France but i knew mother wasn't happy here. she had been sad and father told me she became home sick sometimes so when that happened father would take her away for a few days so i was left with uncle Ciel. i knew he wasn't really my uncle but he was like my family and he had told my mother once that she was like his older sister so i got to call him my uncle even if father was his butler. our trip was quiet and mother didn't say a lot but father and uncle Ciel talked with me a lot. i hated when my mother was quiet like that and i could just tell that she was ready to cry soon. father looks over at her before a small frown forms on his face before he pulls her closer to himself and kisses the top of her head. she gives a sigh before a few tears fall from her eyes. when i was 10 mother asked my father for another child which he refused because he said he wasn't sure if he could teach the two of us all we needed to know. mother had cried for several days after that and she had slept in my room with me but i didn't mind because i was afraid of the dark still so she chased the monsters away. father had pulled me aside and told me that the monsters had to be afraid of us and we should love the dark because it protected us. since that day i had loved the dark and didn't run to mother with nightmares because my father had taught me that there was nothing for me to fear.

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