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harry styles. one out of four members of the well known band called one direction. the other three, liam payne, niall horan, and zayn malik.

the four of them all auditioned for the xfactor in 2010. besides liam two years before that, but thank god he didn't make his mark that year or else they would be nothing. after all, he was a very important part of the group. they all were.

when auditions came around, harry became a nervous wreck. the only time he had performed was with his little band back at cheshire. white eskimo, they were called. though singing in front of one hundred people is different than maybe more than one thousand.

one thousand was a lot in little harry's mind.

so, nerves got the best of him, and he made a quick dash to the toilets. at first, he went right to the counter, looking into the mirror and sighing, running his hands over his face repeatedly. he didn't usually get like that, which was why he was so nervous, his heart beating out of his chest.

the boy went to the urinals, quickly doing his thing. what startled him was the flush of a toilet. he jumped a little, gasping. he must've been a bit too shaky that day.

"oops!" he zipped his pants back up, hands covering his mouth.

the boy next to him sighed heavily, doing the same. "hi," he pursed his lips. "that was awkward," he said, kicking his one shoe off.

then harry felt bad. like when your mum finds out that you snuck out bad. also, he's going on in almost less than five minutes. so that doesn't help at all.

"oh god, i'm really sorry!" he exclaimed, his hands coming up to the sides of his face. he tugs his beanie down a bit, fingers gripping the material. because he's never pissed on someone's shoe before. so how would he know what to do?

"it's fine. it was only a tiny bit on the back. didn't even touch me," the boy said, tugging his shoe back on. he stumbled a bit from having to stand on one foot, and harry jumped in, grabbing his biceps to steady him.

"oi, oops," the boy laughed, stomping his foot back down.

harry smirked. "hi," he told him, the little shit he is.

"jesus christ, are you going to make that your thing or something now? just cause we both said it?" the boy asked, smiling a bit with the roll of his eyes. "never mind actually. don't answer that. uh, what's your name?"

"harry." he grins. "i'm actually going- shit, uh, i have to go, i-i'm going on in like... now kind of." he rushes, backing up a little with his eyes focused on the taller boy.

"wait!" he steps forward, grabbing harry's arm. "give me your number, i'll give you mine real quick," he says quickly, whipping out his phone. and harry stumbles to do the same because not only is he in a rush, but this insanely cute by whom's shoe he wizzed on wants his number, meaning he could just like boys too.

so what is said goes. they exchange numbers, and harry shouts another "sorry for your shoe" while running out of he bathroom. and yeah, it earns a few strange looks from people backstage, but harry just got a boys number, so he doesn't care.

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he had spoken of it before. the terrible mishap of him pissing on another boys shoe on accident. it was quite the topic back when he was on the xfactor. especially when simon decided to bring it up during one of the one on one sessions that was put on the air. it was the most embarrassing things.

harry found out after he sang and got accepted that the boy named louis was also auditioning. he almost smacked himself as well since he was blind enough not to see the giant number taped to his shirt.

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