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once harry goes off to america with the band, he and louis don't talk. it's not like they planned it, if anything they wanted to talk every day, but thanks to the band having constant interviews it's left them no room to communicate successfully with the time difference. what pisses louis off is the fact that some of the interviews won't even get released for months. so they can't talk because he's doing small name interviews that aren't even for now.

the only time louis gets any notion that harry's not letting go of him is when he gets a notification from his twitter.

@harry_styles: acting skills are a bit rusty, might need to take your class lou.

it makes louis smile to see his tweet, and comments on it.

@louistomlinson: not sure you could handle it sweets ;)

he grins when hitting send, and then gets hit with an overwhelming amount of responses. he has a moment of panic when realizing that surely some of his students follow harry and will see what their teacher's twitter is, but it's not necessary a bad feeling knowing that everyone will know that he's got this big pop star.

a text comes in, and louis can't help but discard his normally precious prep time before classes come in.

harry: how are you baby?

harry: i couldn't ever get in touch with you this week bc of work but i take blame for it, i love you so much

louis: it's okay, when do u get back?

harry: soon enough

louis: cmon dont fuck w me

harry: wdym?? i fuck u i don't fuck WITH u

louis: STOP


he giggles and covers his mouth with his hand.

harry: it's precious info everyone needs it in their life

louis: oh of course they do

harry: what're u doing tn? call u later?

louis: sure, i'm home by 1300

harry: sounds good

it seems as if that's the end of their conversation, especially since the five minute bell rings. so louis turns off his phone and unlocks his classroom door for his students to flow in.


"tastes like shit," it's too late for spaghetti anyway, but he still louis dumps it frustratedly into the trash. he's close to collapsing onto the couch but instead there's a sharp knocking on the door.

"who the fuck," he isn't expecting anyone at ten thirty unless it's his one elderly neighbor being paranoid again that her cat hasn't come in for the night when that's when it normally goes out.

to say seeing harry standing there is a surprise is an understatement, "harry!" he gasps and lunges at him.

"hi baby," harry mumbles into his hair and kisses him hard.

louis lets his feet drop back to the ground, "missed you," he hums. harry only kisses him again.

it's far too late when they've finally gotten harry settled in, and he jumps into bed with his boyfriend, "good to be home," he giggles and kisses up louis' neck playfully.

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