Chapter 4

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In The Morning At Home

Hidaki POV:
It was Saturday and I was so board at my home. I was sitting in my room trying to think of what to do, So I texted Ali to see if she wanted to go walking in the park. She said "yeah",I texted cool so I'll see you by the cherry blossom trees right. She texted" yeah".

At The Park

I was waiting for Hidaki by cherry blossom trees saying he would meet me here, But I didn't see him anywhere. So I waited a few more minutes then he finally came." Where have you been" I ask him, He said that he had to go do some earns for his mom. I started to giggle, because I thought it was cute that he still take care of his mom. He started to blush a little when I told him. Come on I hear there a carnival open at the park let's go, I told him as I grab his hand.

Ali was suggesting that we go to the carnival, I said sure. But it was cute that she still acts like a little kid. So we went to the carnival, but I never been to carnival before when I was kid. So I thought it had to be fun if Ali wanted to go.

Me and Hidaki had so much fun. I ask,"Hidaki if he wanted to get on the ferris wheel", he said, "sure" . We went to the lady for the ride she said me and hidaki made a good couple I started to turn red, so did hidaki. Then we got on I could see so much from up here it was so cool. Hidaki what's wrong, I told him as if I was worried about him. He told me he was afraid of height. What that why your face is turning green. He nodded as if he didn't want to say anything else. Don't worry believe me these was a trick my mom use to do to me when I was afraid of the dark, i told calmly were it could make him feel safe and not make him want to vomit. OK close your eyes and image something that make you feel happy or safe.

Hidaki POV :
I started to close my eyes and think on Ali words what makes me happy or feel safe. Then I realize Ali make me feel happy and safe. Then Ali said I could open my eyes, so I did. When I did I could see us off the ride with Ali holding my hand. Her hand felt so warm it kinda made me feel safe. Ali ask me want I thinking about but I didn't tell her it was secret. I ask Ali if she want to get some ice cream, she said sure. So we went to the person that was selling ice cream, I ask for vanilla and Ali ask for strawberry. ALI ask me if she could get some of my ice cream I said sure. She beam, wow that really good she, told me. Then I ask her for some of her ice cream she said sure, so I did wow she was right that is good. These has been so fun spending time with Ali it kinda felt like we were on a date.

Few hours later...

Hidaki POV :
Man the time had pass so fast it was already time to go home. I guess I can finally ask her but I had to make it quick. I ask Ali if she wanted to go to the school prom with me that was coming up Friday next week. Her eyes widen and she started to turn red. She was cutest that I ever seen her. She said yes, I ask her really she nodded. I was so happy I hug her as if she was my girlfriend.

Hidaki was so happy he hug me so I hug him back. He felt so happy when I say yes to him, he was actually cute with a smile on his face. Then I started to think on my mom word from Thursday, Hidaki my boyfriend it started to play in my head as a record, when I look at Hidaki. Then it was time to go home, Hidaki offer me his hand I was blushing for a minute but I took it anyway. I started to think, me and Hidaki are best friends now we were holded each other hands walking home together. I blush a bit I didn't mind he was my only friend now that I think on it since I move here...

I'm so sorry I had Internet problems u see my mom didn't pay my plan so I'm using some sorry WiFi. Thank u for reading so please comment for chapter 5.

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