Chapter 6

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Walking to the mall

Hidaki POV :
As I walk along side Ali we could see someone up a head. It was Kinji what was he doing here. Hey Hidaki he yell as he was walking closer, what are you doing here Kinji, I ask? I came shopping for the prom tomorrow. O it's that girl again are you two on a date again. I started to blush and look down at my hand I forgot I was still holding Ali hand so I remove my hand from hers. So are you Hidaki he says, what I told you we are just friends. Well in that case, he said smirking at me trying to plan something . He took Ali's hand and started pull her away from me.

Ali POV :
What are doing, I ask Kinji with a confused look. Would you go out me, he asked me looking in my hazel eyes. I started to blush a bit as he keep pulling me closer to him. Then I look back at Hidaki he was shock that Kinji ask me out. Then I look back at Kinji trying to get a answer out of my mouth. Why is these happening to me I feel like it just "me against The world".

Hidaki POV :
No I can't believe that guy he took Ali away from me and just ask her out in front of me. I could feel shard in my heart that broke into a thousand pieces I couldn't take it no more. I started to walk off forgetting about Ali because she didn't need me any more. I was idiot thinking that I could ask her at the prom but it was to late for me. I can't do a thing about it, because it was her life not mine I can't control her. But for some reason I have strong feelings for her, I think I'm starting to fall in love with her.

Ali POV :
Hidaki started to walk leaving me behind I try to yell his name. But he was to far to hear me. I kept looking at him thinking why is leaving me I thought he was friend. But then I realized all this time Hidaki has been my first friend since I move here at Tokyo. So way can't I tell him my feelings way is so hard to admit to him. Then I kept thinking on my mom's word about Hidaki being my boyfriend, It kept playing in my mind as beat to a song. I being to close my eyes feeling the beat to my heart. I began to have strong feelings for him I love him. I'm sorry Kinji but I love Hidaki so I can't go out with you I said to him pushing him away from me.

Hidaki POV :
I could hear someone calling my name as I turn around it was Ali running across the street. I turn my head to hear a beeping sound it was car coming I try to warn Ali but it was to late. I could see blood coming from her as I ran to her. I pick her up in my arms rushing her to the hospital why did this have to happen this is all my fault for running away from her.

At the hospital

Hidaki POV :
The doctors got Ali settle in a room. Then I could hear a ring in Ali's back pack. So I opened it and pulled out a phone it was her mom. I answered it,
Hidaki : Hello...Ms. Harp it's Hidaki your daughters friend I have some news to tell you.
Ms. Harp : O the guy that help me with my furniture thank you so much, so how are you doing.
Hidaki : I'm doing great, but Ms. Harp I have to tell you something.
Ms. Harp : What do you have to tell me...
Hidaki : Ali got in a car accident and I rush her to the hospital.
Ms. Harp : What... how is she is she alright.
Hidaki : She not in critical condition the doctors are still doing test results.
Ms. Harp: O good... I be over there in 15 minutes. Tell Ali I'm on my way.
Hidaki : yes ma'am... OK bye Ms. Harp.

(Call Ended)

Ali POV :
What we're I'm I , I said wake up with bandages around my head and a major headache. I could find myself in a room that didn't look like my room. I turn my head to found a really hot guy standing right beside me. Who are you, I ask him with a confusing look. What you don't remember me. No I don't and we're am I, I ask him like I was angry at him. Why wouldn't you remember me it was my fault your in here he said to me depress. What your fault what do you mean what happen, I ask him holding my head from my ache. He put his hand on my head staring at me with look in his eye. I back up on bed.. W...what are you doing I said to him blushing . He look at me saying that he was sorry for he has done and why I'm in here. He sat down next to me on the bed turning his head facing my direction. The reason why your in is because you got in car accident and I had to rush you to the hospital, it was my fault your in here because I ran away from you because Kinji ask you out. I look at him with a confused look who's Kinji. It doesn't matter anymore he said facing forward looking down at the floor. I look at feeling sorry for him so I gave him a hug putting my arms around his chest I don't know why I was hugging him . Then suddenly a flashback came back to me I remembering a month ago that suddenly I was walking towards a guy that seem to know me and he started to walking me home the guy who walking me home kinda look like these guy that I was hugging. Then I came back to reality what just happened, I said thinking in my mind letting go of the guy in front of me. What's wrong he said looking at me, I don't know why but I seen a image of you in my head and I don't even know you, I said looking done holding my other hand. Wow you must not remember me at all, he said looking at me. do you know me, I said putting my knees against my chest. We meant when you just move to Tokyo. It been a month ago feels like a long time ago, you said you wanted to get know so I told you my childhood and were I live,but you probably don't remember that either he said look down at his kaki pants. A tear started to shed from his face it look like it's been a long time since he cry for anyone. What wrong, I ask him releasing my knees from my chest . O nothing, he said as he started wipe the tear that came running down his face. I couldn't help but notice the pain that was building inside of him I can't believe that he knew me but I don't him I wish I had my memory back. Um...whats your name I said looking at him. Hidaki he said looking at me. Hidaki I never heard of a name like that before, I said thinking in my a aching head. Um... Ali can I ask you something, he said looking down at the sheets of the bed. What is it, I said looking at him. Can you remember about why you were you running across the street calling my name. I don't remember doing that, I said looking at him confuse. O of course you don't I'm sorry for asking you, he said getting up from the bed and leaving out the room.

Hidaki POV :
I couldn't take it anymore my heart broke making feel like I can't breathe. She doesn't remember me she doesn't remember a single thing since I meet her why did this have to happen, I said punching the wall trying to hold back the tear that I wanted to cry. Then I could see Ms. Harp running down the hallway. Ms. Harp, I said as she stood in front of me out of breathe. Hidaki is she alright, is my baby girl OK, she said as she was trying to to catch her breathe. Yes ma'am I said looking at her depress. What's wrong Hidaki, she said to me looking up at me. N...nothing I got to go Ms. Harp, I said as I started to walk down the hallway. I kept thinking about Ali and how she never knew who I was, I kept blaming myself as I kept sinking deeper in the darkness of my pain I had built up inside of me as I was growing up....

Sorry for this chapter I had to fix it, I had some problems with this chapter. But thanks to my friends I fix this problems to make it even better so please enjoy I be updating soon. O I like to do shout out to my friends
And for my final friend
Romance 6.
Thank u my friends for all your help and tips. BTW I promise I'll be updating soon.

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