Trying to Protect You

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The weather was changing early this year. It was getting colder and I could tell it was going to snow any day. My parents had gone to Billings for the weekend and left me home alone with Chris. I was lonely and missing Liam. His parents took him on vacation to California for a few weeks. He kept sending me pictures of beaches and sunshine and I envied him for being able to experience that. My family never really took vacations unless you count the annual trip to Minot, North Dakota, or Siberia as I called it because it was so damn cold, to visit my aunt. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I grinned pulling it out of my pocket and reading the text

Did you talk to them yet?

They're not home.

You need to

He was right. I had made the decision several months ago to just let it go and forget about the whole thing. But then out of no where a new advertisement showed up on several publications in the mail last week. I was scared to talk to them because the holidays were coming soon and I didn't want to hurt them this time of year.

"Are you going to tell on me if I have a small party here tonight?"

I raised my eyebrow at Chris and smirked at him. He knew he wasn't allowed to have people over while they were gone let alone have a big party. I never really told on him for bringing Colton over because I thought the rule was stupid that we couldn't at least have our best friend over.

"It depends."

"On what" he groaned

"Am I adopted?"

"Are you fucking serious Mary? THAT is going to determine whether or not you tell on me?"

"Just answer the question."

"I have no idea. Probably. There does that answer it?"


"Yeah probably. I have no idea Mary. Just because you're the blonde mutant of the family doesn't mean anything. You going to tell yes or no?"

"Maybe. You just called me a mutant"

"I was kidding" he grumbled through his teeth

"No I won't tell. Jesus."

I sat in my room listening to the "small" party taking place in our house. He is SO dead if this house gets destroyed.Something glass shattered in the other room and I poked my head out to see what was ruined. My mother had a few expensive vases and other things laying around that she was "attached" to. She knew exactly how they were placed and how much it cost her. Chris came rushing at me with a brown paper sack and a bottle of super glue

"You have GOT to be kidding me"

"Please fix it Mary! Mom will kill me"

I opened the bag and looked at the shattered Hummel figurine my grandmother had given her before she died. I half smiled and chuckled nervously. This figure not only meant a lot to my mother, but it was in a thousand unrecognizable pieces. There was NO WAY I was going to be able to fix it.

"Do you see this thing? There is no fixing that Chris. At all. I can't even tell what it's supposed to look like. And besides even if I did glue it back together don't you think mom is going to notice the cracks in it???"


He jumped about 10 feet in the air and I quickly hid the bag behind my back and closed the door with my foot. I wanted no part of any of this drama. I ran over to my laundry basket and hid the bag underneath a pile of dirty laundry. I listened as the house cleared and Chris got the grounding of a lifetime. So far my mom hadn't noticed her figure missing but it was only a matter of time before she did.

Jon's POV:

JJ and I pulled the Christmas boxes from the attic and brought them inside. Jenn insisted the tree go up early every year. I just wish she'd wait until at least mid November. We just finished Halloween!



" it ever going to end?"

"Your mother's obsession with this Christmas stuff? No."

"No, I meant...Sierra. I mean...I don't mean to...I just...."

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply as I set down the box. The boys never really ever brought up Sierra. They just kind of went along with whatever Jenn and I told them. But after she went missing Jenn went a bit nuts on them. Poor JJ had to endure being walked to his classroom door for the first two years after she went missing. Noah's whole life had been surrounded by the sadness and drama of Sierra and I felt guilty about it.

"No" I sighed "It doesn't end. And when you get married and have kids you'll understand why"

I took the box from him and set it down and walked away. Noah was sitting on the couch watching an old pay per view on the Network so I sat down next to him trying to get lost in what was happening.

"Dad, I didn't mean it like that"

"I'm busy Jon."

"You think you're the only one who suffered?? The only one who has to live with this every day? I was there. I know it was because you were selfish and didn't watch her. It was always about Sierra. You ignored me and always doted on her. You think I don't remember or didn't notice?? Noah and I have had to live every single day with the consequences of what happened. She's dead. It's been 12 years and no one is looking for her anymore except for you. Not even mom."

I looked back at him unable to find anything to say. He stormed out of the house and slammed the door. Noah just stared at me...I could see him out of the corner of my eye. I looked over at him waiting for him to say something, but he just kept staring

"Your turn....what would you like to add?"

"Jesus Jon"

I looked up at Jennifer standing in the hallway watching me

"Me? I'm the asshole? Our 18 year old son just blows up at me and I'm the asshole? I just wanted to make sure both sons have the opportunity to say how they feel. I wouldn't want Noah to feel left out. And then when he's done you can have your turn."

"Jonathan, he was just frustrated. You know he didn't mean any of it"

"Great so you're going to defend it?"

I got up from the couch and went over to the table by the door and grabbed my keys. No one said a word as I went into the garage, got in my car and drove away. I didn't really have anywhere to go. I just needed to drive. I'd done everything I could after Sierra went missing to make sure that JJ and Noah had my full attention. I went out of my way to make sure they had everything they wanted. Part of that was guilt because I always knew that JJ felt left out when Sierra was around. I just didn't want to lose my sons either. I was desperate to hold onto my kids.

I found myself at the mall just sitting in the parking lot. I didn't want to go inside, but I didn't want to sit out here being creepy either. I threw on my jacket and hat and walked into the mall. I sat down in front of what used to be The Gap and got lost in thought

"Thought I'd find you here"

I looked over to see Jon sit down next to me. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him after his little tirade in the house, but I decided to listen anyway.

"What do you want JJ?

"I kinda wanted to talk."

"About what?"

"What I said at the house. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it"

"No. You did otherwise you wouldn't have said any of it."

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess maybe I shouldn't have...I dunno said anything"

"No. You needed to say it. I'm sorry you feel that way. I wish you could understand how all of this feels. I never intended to make you feel that way. Not even when Sierra was here. I wish I had been a better parent, but I'm human and I make mistakes. I did the best I could."

"I know. I was sad when it all happened. Mainly because you and mom fought on the time and you left. Then after a while you came back and I felt bad because I was actually glad she was gone. I finally had all of your attention. In the end I just wanted you to be proud of me"

There was a long silent pause. At least it felt like a long pause. That was a bigger blow than what he'd said at the house.

"You think I'm not?"

He shrugged and looked off in the distance before looking back at me

"Jon I'm very proud of you and Noah. I always have been. Even when Noah is behaving the way he has been. Even when you're sneaking your girlfriend in the house over night. I know that I haven't always shown it or told you, but I really am proud of you and the man you're becoming. Don't ever think otherwise son."

Mary's POV

"Hey! Don't let me walk home all alone!!!"

I tugged at Liam's arm, but he was busy with his friends. I awkwardly stood around behind him waiting for him to finish with the guys, but I was late. I needed to get home to help my mother with the endless list of chores I've been given as punishment for my so called involvement in Chris's party.

He probably wouldn't even notice if I left. Backing away slowly I was waiting for him to notice that I wasn't there, but he wasn't paying attention. One of the guys on the team was planning some big Thanksgiving football thing and Liam was completely in the conversation. I made a face and started to walk home. It was getting darker earlier and I hated walking home alone.

The house was abnormally quiet when I walked in. My parents were sitting on the couch in the living room looking concerned. I was starting to feel scared that something bad had happened. Bad news always came when they were sitting on the couch in a house of silence. It's how I found out my grandma had died. Cautiously I walked in and sat down looking back and forth between them

"What'd I do?"

My mom held up the missing persons advertisement from the Penny Saver and I felt my heart leap out of my chest. For a brief second I thought I was going to faint, but a sudden wave of anger came over me and I exploded in panic

"Where did you get that?"

"I was doing laundry. At first I was upset you hid the broken figurine from your grandmother, but I found this in your jeans pocket"

"You went through my things!!?? That's MY stuff. You can't just go around digging through my things!!!"

I reached for the paper and tried to snatch it from her hand. I was embarrassed and scared and I didn't know what they were going to do. I just wanted to go hide in my room. She ripped the paper away and just stared at me.

"Is that me?" I finally blurted out

"Yes, but it's not what you think Mary."

"What is it then??"

"We're not your parents Mary. We're your grandparents. 12 years ago our daughter, Mary, showed up at our front door with you. We hadn't seen Mary since she was 17 when she ran away. She had a mental illness and had stopped taking her medication. One day while we were at work she packed her shoulder bag and left. We never saw her again. Mary showed up with you clutching a teddy bear and scared. She was agitated and rambling on and on about some cult she had escaped from. She told us that her boyfriend, your father, had threatened her and wouldn't let her leave. Fearing that something bad would happen to you she cut off all of your hair and went into hiding. She asked us to take you in and raise you because she couldn't take care of you. We were never told your name, where you came from, how old you were, who your father was...nothing. After begging we agreed to take you in, and she disappeared again. A few years ago she was arrested in Nevada, but she refused to see us and you. She said that it was safer to stay put. Your father is the one who took out this advertisement. He is dangerous and we were just trying to protect you."

They were lying. At least I was sure they were. They didn't know I'd already researched into Sierra Good. But their story sounded like it could be real too, and I just didn't know who or what to believe. I just blankly stared at them for what seemed like a long time.

"We understand if you're angry with us Mary, but we just wanted to protect you."

"Protect me? You lied to me for 12 years!!"

"Don't you understand why we did it?"

"No! And if you don't know my father then how do you know he's so dangerous? Huh? You took YOUR Mary at her word and nothing more. The word of someone who is sick and mentally sick. You should've given me back!"

I grabbed the paper and ran into my room and slammed the door. I sat on the bed and stared at the phone number on the advertisement. My mother was knocking on the door, but I was ignoring her. I didn't want to hear any of it. I just wanted to figure out the truth.

I'm calling the number Liam

I waited for what seemed like hours for Liam to respond, but he didn't. My parents finally stopped banging on my door and I could think straight. My mind was spinning. I couldn't figure out the truth and the lies. Who was right? Who was wrong? Who am i? Slowly I dialed the 800 number as my finger hovered over the send button. Taking a deep breath my finger lowered hitting send and I stared for a second as it rang.

"Hi. Um....I think I'm in this missing persons advertisement. My name?"

I paused for a long time staring at the paper trying to decide if I should hang up or answer the question

"Yes...Yes I'm here. My name? Um...Mary Andrews. Oh...I Good"

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