Can't We Just Be Happy?

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"Hmm?" I groaned turning over

"Jonathan? Are you awake"

"No" I grumbled trying to go back to sleep

"Jon...please wake up"

She continuously poked at my side until I groaned and rolled onto my back and looked over at her




"'s like night and day. She's acting...different"

"By different do you mean happy?"

"Well, I mean...yeah. Why?"

"Why? You don't want our daughter to be happy?" I made a face and pulled the covers up to my chin and rolled back onto my side "maybe she's finally decided she really likes it here."

"Overnight? I mean....I dunno"

"I'm going back to sleep. She's happy. Just be happy she's happy Jenn. The reason doesn't matter."


I rolled back over and looked at her annoyed "But what Jenn? Why is it so hard to believe she's just happy? You didn't expect her to be miserable every day for the rest of her life did you? Go to bed and leave it alone. I don't get you. One minute you're upset she's not happy and you can't figure out why. Now you're bitching she's happy and you can't figure out why. Just. Let. It. Go."

With a sigh I rolled back onto my side and slowly started to drift off to sleep. I smiled thinking about how everything seemed to be coming together. The front door slammed shut, ratting the windows and I jumped and sat up. Can't we just have one night of peace?? Just one night?? Jennifer poked at me afraid someone had just broken into the house. But I knew it was JJ. He was supposed to be home over an hour ago, but we kind of left it alone because we knew he was meeting with Ashley to talk things out. I sat up and threw on a shirt before walking out to the living room.

"Dad? Can I watch??"

"Go back to bed, nosy!" I chuckled passing by Noah's room

I peered out of the front window and found JJ's Mustang parked half on the sidewalk and half on the street. An uneasy feeling came over me and I knew this wasn't going to be a pleasant conversation. Scanning the house I didn't immediately see him until I looked at the floor by the couch. Are you fucking kidding me right now? I lightly kicked his thigh to make sure he was alright

"Get up"

He groaned and laughed before stumbling all over himself to sit up. He reeked of alcohol and his neck was covered in hickeys. Competely irritated I knelt down and took his keys away before standing up and folding my arms across my chest. It was nearly impossible to keep from blowing up at him. I knew he had to make mistakes and learn from them, but he was throwing his potential career away. I sighed angrily and raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to say something. He just stared up at me with a ridiculous, drunken smile on his face. It made me wonder if this was a common thing when I wasn't home and Jenn just allowed him to do whatever. She babied him more than any of the other kids. Part of that was because she always felt bad for him because she always thought I doted on Sierra more. I couldn't take my eyes off of the purple/black marks on his neck. Feeling my stare he shrugged his shoulders trying to hide it.

"What's the matter with you? Hmm?"

"I. Don't. Know." He chuckled and smirked "I....think I'm drunk"

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