Runaway:Clean Slate

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"What Noah?"

"Can I go to the skate park with the guys after school tomorrow instead of waiting at the softball field?"

"Yeah. Sure."



They were fighting again. It was starting to get old, but part of me was too tired to care. I still had a project to finish for English before bed and I didn't want to listen to them argue all night. The boxed mashed potatoes were clumped and cold on my plate and I pushed them around with my fork. The memory of Liam's mom's mashed potatoes came flooding back and I sighed deeply thinking about it. I need REAL cooking again. My fork rattled on my plate making me jump and I glared up at Noah. The little shit. Maybe out of boredom or maybe to get in trouble to change the subject he started throwing food at me.

"What are you six?" I snapped

"You wouldn't be here if I was" he mocked

I tried not to take the things Noah said personally. Half of the time he was just trying to be funny and the other half he was just trying to stir the pot around the house. But it was starting to get annoying and I wasn't in the mood for it tonight. Angrily, I pushed back from the solid oak table and stormed out of the room. I grabbed my phone and started towards the front door

Liam. I'm gonna call you. I need to talk.

I thought you weren't allowed to make calls

I don't care. I'm leaving the house and I need to hear your voice.

I scanned the house, but could still hear them arguing over the skate park so I threw open the front door and closed it quietly behind me. I'd never explored outside of the house alone. I didn't know where to go or where I was going. I just needed to get away. It was warm out even though it was dark. I wasn't a big fan of the weather here, but I could tolerate it. Scanning through my contacts I hovered over Liam's number as my feet quickly made their way down the long driveway

"Mom and dad are gonna be pissed if you're leaving alone you know."

"Just let her go JJ. It'll certainly make your life easier" Ashley snickered

"When did you get your phone back?"

"It's not like she has anyone to call"

It took everything in me not to cry. I looked around at JJ, Ashley, Nicole and even Luke laughing. I looked directly into his dark brown eyes searching for why he was laughing or not even sticking up for me. He was supposed to be my least I thought he was. He looked away and followed the rest of them inside.

Looking around my street I had a vague idea of where to go. I spent a lot of time just staring out the window and watching when we drove. What I really wanted to do was go to Red Rock Canyon. My dad had taken me with him several times and I really liked it there. But it would take far too long to walk and I didn't have a car. The only thing I could think to do was head in the direction of my school and hope I didn't get lost.

Jon's POV

The last of the teal dishes were put into the dishwasher. The kids had been surprisingly quiet, but I'm sure Jenn and I arguing again drove them into their bedrooms. She needed to lighten up and have a little more faith in them. They were old enough to go places and not have to worry. I knew why she was freaking out all of the time but she had no reason to worry anymore. I wiped my hands on the dish towel and sat down next to her at the kitchen table and nudged her arm with my elbow. She looked over and half smiled and looked down picking at the red nail polish

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