7: tangled in the great escape

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Vics POV
School. My opinion, I hate it more than liars. It's just a place full of dicks. It's somewhat tolerant able when you have a few friends.
Or so I thought.
Today was Tuesday. I was walking down the hall with Oliver. Alex passed by and screamed at the top of his lungs " look faggots got a new boyfriend!" He started pointing at us and everyone laughed. And trust me something like that can spread like wild fire .soon Oliver was getting picked on because of it. We were just talking on our way to math. It's terrible. From that experience me ash Oli and Kellin decided that we can't really talk much during school. Only together as a group. Considering the fact that Ashley alone at lunch and doesn't want to be bothered, Oliver usually has to go to the library during lunch for one of his group " meetings" it's just me and Kellin I liked that at first since I like talking to Kellin . He is mine anyways. But for the safety of both of us , alex quickly ruined it and we put an end to it. Which sucks really bad because my dad took away my phone. We could talk and hang out at a park but kids from school hang out everywhere. Mainly people that have the slightest connection with Alex muddafaqing gaskarth. Essentially I don't see Kellin at all. He's in a class or two of mine but the teacher makes sure that we don't talk. Notes. Failed horribly. Like the teacher literally read the note to the whole class. Austin jones( one of Alex's best buds) getting front row seat with his camera out. Filming every second and sending it to Alex. Well. Shit. Operation: note passing down the drain.

I'm currently walking to leave this place. It's the end of the day and I just can't wait to leave. But of coarse I'm stopped, by none other than the royal pain in my ass himself Alex.
" FUENTES , what are you doing?" He asks as if that isn't obvious ." Why are you ignoring me? That's pretty rude. I think you deserve something for that. What do you guys think?" He looked back at his followers. Jack( the prep all-star who is the quarterback on the football team) Alan ( all the looks smart? No.) josh ( beat you to a pulp in a second) Bryan ( looks a little on the slow side.... Ok yeah who am I kidding ?) and finally Andy( bad boy who's got a rep for never keeping faithful in a relationship)
Me vs. six guys that could easily kick my ass. I'm not leaving this building without a sore something.
Fuck why do I have to be right? It's only at the wrong times.
I think they're getting tired and Alex throws the last blow. He then lifts my head by my hair so he can look me in the eye " you're a fucking disease , everyone you're around gets hurt. You. Ashley purdy Oliver Sykes and especially your little boyfriend Kellin quinn . If you give a fuck about them you should find a way to disappear I don't give a fuck how but I promise you if I see your face again I will personally kick those teeth in. Do we have an understanding ?" I can't even respond I feel like jelly. " I fucking said are we clear!?" He drops my head and I hit my chin on the tile, he then plants a swift kick into my torso. " well I'm waiting for an answer I have all day." A nod at quickly as I can." Good. Remember I never break a promise . And something like this guarantee I'll fucking find you. I know where you live. I can easily get your schedule . I can blow your life up into flames. Or most importantly Kellin's life. I'd be a shame if something happened to him. And that's a promise mister" he bent down and tapped my cheek a few times as If sealing the deal. Then he leaves with his group leaving me let ever word he just said soak in.
I need to leave . I hurt anyone I'm near. I don't want to hurt people. I sat there in the bathroom motionless until I realized that mama might be freaking out by now.

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