27- Is This The End Of Us?(Final)

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Mikes pov

My phone should start ringing soon and decided to agree with that man.
It's not like I've got much to lose right?
Just a few minutes annnnnd.
I pick up and instantly someone's talking " hello Michael. So I believe I gave you some time to think. So what's your answer."
I breathe in and spit it out
" prove you are not just a liar."
I hear shuffling and then a voice.
" hello."
It's vic.
" oh my god vic are you okay its me Mike!" I'm so happy he's fine.
" mike don't listen to him he-" I hear a smack. And then dude is back on.
" well either you say yes or vic's brains over here end up on a wall and to prove I'm serious " he hung up and called me via Skype.
I open it
I see a bloody faced vic with a gun pointed directly at his face.
" oh my god....... WHO ARE YOU?"
The man just laughed and clicked the safety off.
" well, yes or no?" He presses the gun to his temple.
" yes! YES ANYTHING! just what do you want?" I scream at the screen.
" well Michael. Meet me at midnight at the same exact place you and vic went to your first concert. Tell the cops and I won't hesitate to kill him and make you watch the footage. Come alone. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes okay no cops and go alone got it. Only if vic will be okay."
He just ended the call.

I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. I know it's late but it's just so nice out.
I walk around and I see someone tall
Walking towards the closed down venue .
He's walking and looking over his shoulder as if he's scared .
I hide in the bushes because I'm nosey.
He takes one more look over his back and sneaks in through a window.
I know I shouldn't be here but I can't resist.
I walk over and peak through the window.
I see the kid pull his hood down and I realize that it's Mike.
What is he doing out here?
" well? I'm here."
He calls out.
No one is here.
He's crazy.
Four people walk out and I realize I should probably go.
" so where's vic?" Mike asks the one in front of him.
" you'll find out soon enough."
" I came here now I want to see him. Proof of life." He says folding his arms.
I one standing closest to him says " grab him."
Instantly mikes face once mad turns into one of panic.
The three other man grab him and I feel a pair of arms wrap around me , covering my mouth.
" boss. Look who showed up." That voice sounds so familiar.
" ah. Kellin how nice of you to come. But didn't your mom ever teach you not to eaves drop." I hear a little more clearly I just can't put my tongue on it.
" he is not part of this ." Says Mike as one of the men tie his hands behind his back.
" he is now. He's seen too much. Oh this is going to kill vic. This is absolutely perfect." That's it. It's Ashley.
The man the grabbed me is now tying my hands behind my back and ties a cloth around my face so I cant talk.
" put then in the van." And with that one command me and Mike are being dragged to a car and thrown into it.
Very nice.
Well my night has just begun.

Back to Mike muhahaha
;_; ;_; ;-; ;-;

I guess my head hit the floor too hard because next thing I know I wake up tied to a chair.
I look around and see a guy with spiky hair , Kellin, and vic.
All of which tied up .
Except vic.
He's passed out in a chair in front of us
My mouth hurts due to the cloth in it.
I hear the door swing open and hit the wall.
"Wake up!" He stomps over to vic and smacks his face.
" now that you're up Vic, because I like to fuck with people. I'm going to make you choose. Either way someone walks out dead. I shoot one of these three gentlemen and the other two are set free. Of coarse I will drug them so they can't remember a thing. As for you, well there are no saviors in this world. I started something and I damn well intend to finish it. Vic Fuentes will disappear weather its in style or in a body bag."
He points the gun at the spiky haired man
" your best friend. Now your partner in crime. Are you willing to give him up?"
He walks over to Kellin " your lover. The person who holds your own heart."
He walks up to me and presses the gun on my temple with great force.
"Your own brother. Blood. "
He looks at vic who is now in tears
" but wait there's more, each of these fucks has a secret. One they never told you."
He lessens the pressure on my head and looks over
" Jaime Preciado, I think vic would want to hear it from you yes?"
He walks over to him and presses the gun to the base of his neck.
" so Jaime any secrets you wanna share?"
" one more chance"
"Okay it's like I haven't done this before."
He pointed the gun at his foot and a loud bang was heard followed by a muffled scream.
He's fucking serious.
Ashley yanked the cloth out of his mouth to let him speak
"Okay okay. Vic....... I-I was going to leave you and go wi-th Tony."
"Are you serious?" A choked up vic says standing up.
Jaime nods
Ashley gets vic to sit back down and continue
"Kellin! It's your turn."
He removes the cloth and Kellin speaks.
"I don't have any secrets"
Ashley slaps him
"Wrong answer. For loving someone so much. You don't seem to call much?"
Kellin eyes open wide with fear.
"I uh....... I-I vic I had your number. I just didn't call. I didn't want to. Ashley always gave me your number. I could've called at any time."
"Annnd???" Said Ashley
" and. I uh....... I knew where mike was when he ran away. I easily could've told the news and you wouldn't have to worry. I'm sorry v-"
He was cut off though due to the cloth being put back into his mouth. Me next.
" okay Michael. What do you have to hide. " he says removing the gag.
" first off it's Mike. Make it easier on yourself. Second absolutely nothing." He places the gun to my hand calmly.
" now let's not go and lie. We would regret that."
" what? Why don't you enlighten me on what I did "
He smiles and presses harder on my hand.
"Well how about the fact that mike, here was going to sell you out the second he saw you. Your best friend doing this is one thing but your own blood. What a shame." He gives me a threatening look.
"No, I was going to leave with him. I know he didn't kill that kid on purpose. Ashley is the liar here" a moment of silence passed and you know how in the movies sometimes the bad guy gets smacked with the butt of the gun.
Also known as pistol whip children
And it hurts a lot more than you think.

Sequel is called "never gonna catch us" chapter one will be posted in a week tops. I have another story ( perrentes) called "god's perfect fuck up" go check it out. I know hate me. Cliff hangers are the worst.

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