Chapter 2

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A/N I want to dedicate this chapter to MayceNorthcutt because she's my best friend, she voted on the first chapter, and she encouraged me to write a second chapter, even though I said I would make chapter 2 once I get 5 votes, because she told me I was a good writer. Thank you Mayce you're my best friend ever. So I guess on with the story.

Kurt's P.O.V

When I left Dalton Academy I thought about what the whole Glee Club thought of me. Was I really acting that weird? Maybe I should just quit Glee Club, I don't want people telling me I'm acting weird and there is something wrong with me. I have to think over this.

When I got home I went to my room took a shower, got dressed, did my moisturizing routine, and fell asleep.


*The very Next Day (Mayce is dead to me just kidding may may)*

Kurt's P.O.V

I got up and got dressed. I decided to skip my daytime moisturizing routine since all I got dressed in was sweats and a hoodie over a random shirt I found. I ate breakfast said goodbye to my dad and left to go to school.

~Lé time skip cause I don't want to write about the drive to school~

I got to school and everyone in Glee Club looked at me like I was a serial killer.

"What's your problem. Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them.

"Kurt, can I talk to you for a minute?" Blaine asked me.

"Ok, I guess."

We walked into the choir room and he smacked me in the face. HARD. I immediantley fell down to the ground and felt tears prick my eyes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Blaine yelled.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said about to bust in tears.

"I know your little secret."

"W-what?" And that is when I busted into tears.

A/N Cliffhanger!! I will write Chapter 3 today so you get a double update.

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