Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)

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A/N Yes this is the last chapter but don't fret. There's going to be a sequel. It's called It's Trying To Keep Us Apart.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I was in mine and Kurt's bedroom, on my laptop, happy we didn't have rehearsals today.

I love glee club, really, it's just rehearsals have been going non-stop. It annoyed me. I know Regionals was coming up but my legs were going to break.

Kurt was at the mall with Rachel and Tina. I'm pretty sure he's told them about my braces and showed them at least 15 pictures of them. Because he literally took 15 photos of them, if not more.

As I was saying, I was on my laptop searching for foods I shouldn't eat while I have braces.

It sucks you don't get to eat the foods you love but it was worth getting Kurt to love me.

I was going through lists and lists and lists of foods I shouldn't eat when I heard someone sobbing loudly.

I pushed the laptop off of me and walk upstairs. I saw Carole at the kitchen table crying with Burt with a hand rubbing her back.

"What's wrong, Carole?" I ask her.

She tries to speak but her words become gibberish.

"Sebastian, I think you'd want to sit down when I say this." Burt says. I take a seat.

He pauses a moment before saying, "Kurt's been in a car accident with Rachel and Tina."

I felt my whole world crumbling down. He's been in a car accident with two of my bestest friends. Tina was easy to get along with but it took Rachel time.

"How are they?" I ask my voice cracking slightly.

"Rachel died on impact," I choked back a sob, "Tina barely made it but they saved her," I feared for news about Kurt, "we don't know about Kurt."

I felt hot tears dancing freely across my face, rapidly. I couldn't take it. One of my bestest friends died, the other one barely made it, and I don't even know about my boyfriend.

I run back down the stairs and collaps on Kurt's bed in tears. After a few minutes, I get up and walk towards Kurt's closet. I pick out his favorite sweater and put it on.

I folded my arms around myself. It smells so much like him that I cry harder. I cried myself to sleep that night. I have a feeling I'll be doing that everyday.

I woke up the next morning, thinking everything last night was a dream...until I felt nobody beside me. That's when it all came back.

Rachel's dead. Tina barely made it. But what about Kurt?

I pushed myself off the bed with all the strength I had left in me, which wasn't very much. I put some of Kurt's clothes on and grabbed my car keys.

I walked past Finn's room and I see the door open. Finn sat there on his bed facing the wall. He had a picture of him and Rachel laughing together. He started crying all of a sudden.

I then walk through the kitchen. No one's in there. I walk through the living room. Burt is sitting on the couch, tv blank. It brings back another memory of Kurt.

I bite the inside of my lip to keep myself from bawling.

I walk to my car and jumped in. I started having memories of Kurt and I. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt hot tears rushing down my face.

I drove to the hospital. I park my car in the parking lot and run inside.

Once I reach the receptionest desk, I say, "Kurt Hummel."

She looks through her computer before saying, "Coma boy's in Room 148."

He's in a coma? No. I fast walk through people before I reach Kurt's room. I walk in.

There's so many bruises and cuts. It pains me so much to see him this way. I walk up to the bed and sat down in a chair beside it. I grab his hand.

"Kurt..." My voice cracks, "I-I hope you're okay. I miss you. So so much. I miss the way you'd help me, I miss the way you'd kiss my forehead, I miss the way you'd cuddle me, I miss they way you'd hold me when we sleep. I-I miss everything," I started to cry lightly.

"K-K-Kurt, please," I beg, "Please, be okay. I-I'm scared. S-so scared that yo-ou'll die and I'll lo-ose the only person that l-loves me no matter w-what," Tears rushed down my face and it made it harder to talk.

Still holding hid hand, I layed my head down on the bed and cry.

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