Chapter 16

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A/N the song Kurt sings is Steal My Girl by One Direction and I change some of the lyrics just like I did when Santana performed You're Not Innocent and I made the Warblers seem gay in this

Kurt's P.O.V.

I am so fucking stupid. Why did I say those things about Sebastian? I was lieing. I would never say anything like thay to Sebastian because.......I love him.

I have to find a way to make it up to him. Got it! After Finn and Sebastian's date, at glee the next day, I'm going to serenade Sebastian with a song I wrote.

Finn's P.O.V.

Today was my date with Sebastian and I was so nervous. I'm taking him to a movie and Breadstix. A classic date. I had gotten dressed in a simple black shirt, jeans, and a black jacket with a grey hood.

Since Kurt was at the mall, I got dressed in his room because I wanted Sebastian to have his privacy.

I waited about 5 minutes before going to my door and knocking. Sebastian opened the door looking perfect as ever.

"You look beautiful." I said. He blushed.

"You don't look too bad yourself." He says. I smile.

"Ready to go?" I say.

"Yeah." He nods. I hold my arm out and he loops his arm around mine.

We walk out of the door and to my red Ferrari 599 GTO. It took a whole lot of allowance and work money.

I opened the door for Sebastian and he thanked me.

"You wanna tell me where we're going?" Sebastian asked.

"Nope. You'll find out." I said.

"You're evil." He giggled, which brought a smile to my face.

We pulled up into the cinema.

"So, what movie are we going to see?" Sebastian asked jumping up and down.

"Wait." I said laughing. We went up to the ticket booth (A/N or whatever it's called).

"2 tickets to Sinister 2." The lady gave me the tickets.

Sebastian slapped my shoulder.

"I hate scary movies." He said.

"Don't worry. It's just another excuse to cuddle with you."

"Popcorn? Candy?" I asked.

"Skittles!" He exclaimed. I laughed at his adorableness.

I paid for the skittles and we went to take our seats in the theatre.

The movie was good. Everytime something scary would pop up, Sebastian would hide his face in my shoulder. It was cute.

"I'm scarred for life." Sebastian said ince we exited out of the cinema.

"It wasn't that bad." I said. He looked at me.

"Yes, it was." He said.

"Hope the Skittles didn't fill you up because I'm taking you to dinner." Sebastian's eyes lit up.

"Yay." He said. In just a matter of time, Sebastian didn't want to eat because of how fat he thought he was and now he wants to eat. I'm proud of him.

We went to Breadstix, afterwards. In the distance, I saw Rachel and Puck. They looked like they were on a date.

"-inn!" Sebastian said.


"The waitress asked what you wanted to drink." Sebastian said.

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