Paxton Atwood

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Paxton Atwood

July 23,1987 Florence Town

I'm currently sitting outside, behind a booth, giving out handouts. Its the most boring thing in the world. Just sitting here watching the pedestrians walk by. Some give me smiles and others give me odd looks. I try to ignore them, but its pretty hard if you're a teen girl like me.

Its moments like these that i cant help but wonder what the world be like in the future. Will there be flying cars? Time Travel? I really don't know. I wish we would have all those things now. Maybe we do, its just the government doesn't want to tell us because they're to scared.

I see this girl walking up to the booth and i can instantly tell shes not from here. She has blue hair, is wearing dark clothing, and is dressed up like a man. I think shes from the city, but why would she come here? She gives me this scary vibe thats out of this world. As she walks closer though, i see her face more clearly, i notice she is way too pretty. She has these stormy grey eyes lined in black, and the fairest complexion ever. She looks like one of the dolls i used to play with when i was younger. Suddenly the wind picks up and all the flyers fly around the place. She rushes to help me get them all.

You know those cliche moments in the books and movies, when two people reach down to get the same thing? Yeah, well that was the moment. We both went down at the same time for a flyer and when we bumped our heads together... I don't know but something clicked in that moment and i got butterflies. I new this moment was my life's big turning point. So like the good christian i am, i said screw it. I took a big leap and, i kissed her.

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