The Very Beginning: Chapter 1 "Brother of Mine"

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From this point forward most of the story will be in my point of view (Phyre), Paxton will only show her part unless very necessary.

From the time I learned about Era Acceptiva, I knew I had to pay as much attention as I could. But yet I never did. I felt the curiosity towards it, but I could never remember main focal points. For example, you know how there were important events in the French Revolution like The Reign Of Terror? Well, I assumed there must have been important events like that in Era Acceptiva, and the school made sure to teach us, but I could never remember them. I know its there but it's a big block in my mind. I always knew what the main idea was though, and it will foerever stick with my like super glue. And I guess that is when I knew I was a part of it. Other things hinted me towards it, but this was my eye opener.

So when I landed in Florence Town unexpectedly and kissed the girl, I was certain we were the two girls. I have to make it my live's goal to open her eyes first. And that will take a long time.

The moment she walks in with her brother and they sit down, shit gets serious. Her brother looks conflicted and tired and about to burst into tears. On the other hand, the girl won't even look at me. I know she's angry and is blaming me for everything. I just stare at the both of them and study them. You can learn a lot about a person when they are pushed to there limits, and from what I can see, I can tell her brother is the thinker and she might just be hotheaded.

"I'm not going to let them hurt you first of all." It's the brother talking.

"My name is Hunter and this is Paxton. Now im going to tell you something and I hope you wont judge me, Phyre, because I'm certainly not judging you of all people right now." I look at him level headed and Paxton seems to relax a bit.

"I'm gay. The cop that was out there with me is too. His name is Kevin and we're together. And I'm only telling you this because I know you are too Phyre. I was warned about you. A few days ago, me and Kevin got a message that it was gonna start and that when the box landed, and you came out, that we were to join you and protect you because it must start."

He's serious and I can see it. But Paxton looks terrified, and at the mention of Hunter being gay, she pushes away and starts crying mumbleling things for God to save him.

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