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a brownish-green

"Mom, I'm being serious." Luke whined, clutching his phone tightly as he sat bundled up in bed. His head was pounding once again, he was trying to explain to his mother about the weird dreams and headaches he's been getting. Luke was also trying not to stress about the unwritten essay that's sitting on his desk right now. "This isn't normal. I rarely ever get headaches."

"Maybe it's from all the fumes in the air. You are in a city now. It could be affecting you differently. Are you sure there's not mold in the apartment?" Luke listened to his mother suggest things that it could be. And it could be those things, but he didn't think so.

"Mom, I've been here for over a month and a half now. It's only been doing this for two weeks. It's worse at the apartment and school. Sometimes I'll go out across town and I'll be fine." Luke sighed, rubbing a hand across his face. He was exhausted, but he just wanted to get to the bottom of this since everyone thinks he's crazy or exaggerating about the pain. "I'm just so confused, you know? I want to figure this out."

"I wish I knew how to help, honey. This is hard for me, as a mother. Not being able to be there and make sure you're okay." Luke heard her sigh, and then he heard one of his brothers in the back ground talking. She was asking them if they had heard of anything like this before, because clearly the doctor Luke went to didn't know anything. "If it's not better in another two weeks I'm flying out there, okay? Keep me updated. Now have a good day with classes and I'll talk to you later. Love you."

And Luke was left in an eerie silence as he got up and dressed. Knowing if he didn't start now he's be late for class. Even though he didn't want to go, something in his clouded mind was urging him to go.


hey hey hello here's another update.

I'm trying to explain this story in the best way I can without giving it all out because at the moment the characters are confused, so if I straight out said what was going on it wouldn't make anymore sense than the story is now. But it'll be all clear soon if you don't have a good idea on what's going on yet.

also Idk if anyone paid attention but Luke is in the same apartment building as Michael so think what you will ((( I kinda said it without saying it a few chapters back when they both moved to New York. 🌚)))

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