Chapter 4

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So i'm really excited to see how this goes because i've had this idea for such a long time and i only now figured out how I wanted it put into words!

Hope you enjoy! leave comments and votes! 

-dis be selena 


                    July 26th, 201idfk 

Day 3 of whatever weird dream i'm stuck in. Maybe It'll end soon. but for now just putting up with mom has worked, I've gotten some texts from Nick and I would answer but i can't remember if we broke up by this point in time or not. I remember that after I called it off he stalked me for a good 6 months so It's confusing and im too lazy to think so I decided to not answer him. I did a lot of thinking yesterday and I realized that if i make a twitter now then i can be a big account in the future el oh el. 

wow why do I think like this I mean anyone else in my situation would be dying but no I'm just thinking about being famous... In my future fandom on twitter. 

Well until i figure this whole thing out i guess I'm stuck... in the past which is now present? Does that make me from the future? Or no because like I'm literally 14 again? ew. I don't want to be 14... I want my car. I want my life. tbh I'm just trying to play it cool, I'm truly just confused and scared. I'm going mental! 

Whatever, I'm going to go take a walk to the park. Or get coffee or something. Do 14 year ols drink coffee? omg I need to stop writing it's making me think too much. 

Hopefully tomorrow I'll wake up in 2013. 

I closed my book and got out of bed walking over to my mirror. I just left my hair since it wasn't long anymore. However i did do my usual makeup routine, with some minor changes because I'm not 17 anymore. Got on just some shorts and a tee shirt. All of my clothes are so ugly, how did I have friends? 

I passed my mom in the kitchen telling her I was going out and she looked pleasantly surprised so I just left. 

I watched my feet as I walked down my road. I don't know why I always do this. I probably look shy or something, or afraid. I'm not it's just I am a very clumsy person, I have to make sure my feet know where I want to go. Well I guess my eyes have to see where I'm going to, I mean I did meet Sierra by walking into her... oops. 

I looked up and saw that I was right near the park so I walked up to the bench and sat down.. by myself. 

You know it's funny how I never really appreciated how nice Cheshire was. Yeah, it's not the greatest place in the world or anything, but where i lived it was nice. I remember watching Harry's audition and thinking how funny it was that I never even knew he existed. 

I must've sat there questioning my life for a good hour until my stomach made the most awkward noise i've ever heard interrupting my thoughts. I got up and started making my way across the street and I guess I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't look both way before crossing the street.

beep beep

"Hey, watch out!" I heard a voice call from across the way. 

I slowly looked up.

"Wha-" I saw a car driving full speed toward me. 

Before i could even let out a scream a pair of arms grabbed me by the shoulders pushing me to the ground. I felt a rush of pain in the back of my head and let out a loud groan and moving my hand to the back of my head. I opened my eyes to see a familiar face looking down at me. 

oh my god. It can't be. But it is. No. NO FREAKING WAY. Remain calm remain calm. Holy shit it's 2010. omg fetus. 

He blushed as he lifted himself up from me. 

"Sorry, I saw you in front of that car and din't know what to do, are you alright?" He asked. 

He looked at me worriedly until I realized I probably looked mentally ill staring at him with my mouth open. 

"Are you ok?" He said it slower this time. 

Oh god, talk Sylvie talk! 

"I- I" He looked at me confused waiting for an answer. 

"Yes. Yes I'm fine! I'm great!" Oh god now I really sound like an idiot. 

He looked at weirdly for a second, I guess thinking of what to say. 

"Um... Is your head bleeding?" He asked trying to get a better look at it and helping me up. I couldn't help but laugh I mean what a stupid question! 

"I hope not" I said letting out a small laugh. 

He smiled. 

Oh my god he just smiled at me.  Why am i so calm about this. I mean I always said I feel like I know them but I just meant they were a big part of my life. 

"Nope, no blood" He said smiling then looking around.

"Well thanks, Harry" 

"How do you know my name?" 

Shit. think think... My eyes scanned his body until I saw that he was wearing his name tag. Thank god he was still working at the bakery.

"Name tag" I said pointing to the sticker against his apron. 

"Oh right, well you know my name, what's yours?" He said holding out his hand. 

What is with all the hand shakes lately?

"Sylvia, but just call me Sylvie" I smiled. 

"Well Sylvie, I'm glad I could save your life, because you know you would've never made it without me" He said cheekily. 

"yeah, yeah" I laughed. 

We stood there for a minute in silence.

"Well, Sylvia, I've got to get going back to work but it was nice meeting you." Harry said. 

No, don't let him get away. Youv'e been training for this moment for three years go get him1 What is wrong with me..


He looked shocked as he turned around. Smooth...

"Um.. Want to get a coffee later, It's on me" He thought for a moment. 

"It's the least I could do for the boy who saved my life" I joked. Little did he know I meant that in more than one way. 

"Alright, meet me here later?" 

"How about 3?" I asked. 

"Sounds great" 


Sorry for so much dialogue but look Sylvie met Harry aw yay 

Comment what you think and share it if you like it bc it would mean the world! 


- Selena 

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