Chapter 5

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Alright guys I'm going to just say something before we jump in.

Sorry I haven't updated...writers block and feel like no ones reading.

I've never asked for this and i never thought I would but I want 5 votes and 3 comments before a new chapter. If you comment what you think will happen you can get a dedication! Thanks guys! Enjoy!



I sat on the bench outside of the coffee shop staring down at my phone's lock screen.


I knew it. Why would Harry freaking Styles want to have a coffee with me?

I sighed as I reached down from the bench picking up my bag from the ground beside me. I place in on my lap as I looked around once more in hopes of seeing him. No where. I got up and started walking in the direction of my house, back through the park.

"Syl, Look out!" A deep voice yelled from behind me.

I turned and took a step back confused before a car drove right passed me. Like right passed me. It beeped as it did but continued driving.

I almost just got hit again.

" My god, you need to stop doing that!" The same familiar voice said now right behind me. I turned around to see the same young green eyes that I knew so well.

I didn't really know what to say to that.

"Am I gonna have to save your life every day?" He asked with a cheeky smirk.

"Well hopefully next time you won't come so late to save me!" I teased.

"Hey, look I'm sorry I got caught up at work" He seemed serious. aw imma bitch. oops.

"So, you still want that coffee?"

"Absolutely" I said smiling and then we walked into the shoppe.

We sat down after getting our drinks and just kind of awkwardly sipped them.

"So you called me Syl, I didn;t even think you'd remember my name!" I blurted out then pause realizing what I said. wow I sounded pathetic.

"Why's that? Didn't remember mine?" He asked. Yeah I have no idea what your name is.

"Nah but people don't usually remember mine..Harry"

We sat and talked about our lives. Where we lived, who we lived with, how we were. Just talked.

When we were done he said he'd walk me home and i'd usually say it's ok but I couldn't help just agreeing.We walked through the park stopping to go on the swings and down the slides, being little kids. He's just like you imagine him. When you watch videos on your computer wondering if you're in love with him or who you want him to be. He is just his cheeky, playful self. We dance around the park laughing until we realized it was 6 o'clock. He walked me to my door and then turned to leave as I went inside. But before he left i turned around.

"Um Harry"

He turned around to face me.


"I had fun"

"Me too" he said smiling"

"See you around, text me later Sylvie" He said then continued to walk away.

I closed the door behind me as I entered my house and smiled to myself. I can't believe that just happened.stopped writing

We talked for two hours about nothing. He told me about X Factor, of course I already knew all that he was telling me, but it was great to see how excited he was! but omfg hes so perfect like can i keep him bc perf

ew i feel so girly writing in a journal but i mean i have to document my expirience with THE Harry Styles some how. Especially before they get big, I've only got a year. I was too nervous to take a picture bc at this point, i have no reason to want one.

It keeps slipping back into my mind that im in some kind of weird dream. Maybe a joke. Like i time travelled, how will i explain this when i get back to my time, if i ever get back.

I stopped writing and I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes at the thought of never going back. To live my life over again. What if i screw it up? Can I screw it up? The lord is testing me...

I looked over from my bed to my desk and saw my old lap top. I doubted my idea would work but I tried anyway. Getting up from my bed I walked up to the desk and opened the computer, logging in. I opened internet explorer...ew, why did I ever have internet explorer? And waited for it to load.

And waited and waited and waited and waited ok it's done.

I went to the google search bar and typed in "Is it possible to go back in time?".

When the search page loaded the results wer nothing I was looking for. There were movies, fictional time travel movies. Well, I guess they're not fictional. And stories people made up, or not. Ugh.

Why did this happen to me? Is there a reason? Am i the chosen one? Yes, Sylvie that is cleary it you are the chosen one and now you have to save the world.

ha im so funny

I mean right now life seems pretty good. I met Harry Styles! I guess I should enjoy it, right? Yeah, I guess. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and go to the concert. Maybe I won't even remember meeting Harry. Maybe this is all just a dream.



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