Chapter 6

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Normal day. Well, normal for me. I woke up, saw that it was still "2010" and went on to live my life as my 14 year old self. ew.

I closed my notebook and walked over to my dresser and picked out some black skinny jeans and my spiderman tee-shirt. Spiderman. Yes. I did my thing, you know, makeup, hair, blah blah blah.

What does one even do at 14? Am I even allowed to like.. live? Can I screw up the entire universe from this? Oh my god. I really am the chosen one. Wow I need to stop.

After a while of sitting and debating whether or not it's possible that I change the entire future of the world I decided that I was just going to act like it's no big deal and go out. I can't even remember who my friends are. I miss my twitter friends.

My thoughts were interrupted by the 'bloop' of a new text message.

From: Nick <3

Babe? What's wrong? You haven't answered me in days, are you alrightt

Oh god. I almost forgot he existed. Wait. THAT'S WHY HE TEXTED ME THE OTHER DAY OH MY GOD IM DATING NICK THIS IS NOT OK. How do I break up with him? Am I supposed to break up with him? When did I break up with him?

This is getting way too confusing. What do I even say to that. I have to answer. Do I break up with him now?

From: Sylvie

To: Nick <3

Hey, I'm sorry I'm fine, I've just been busy but I really need to talk to you..

He texted back sooner than I would've liked.

From: Nick <3

It's ok, what's up babe?

I put down my phone. I'm getting way too worried to spend more time on this. This isn't right. This isn't sane. Did I really just dream the past 3 years of my life? no. I didn't. I can't take this anymore.

I put on my converse and walked out the door with my phone and 10 dollars. What to do what to do... Harry.

He hasn't even texted me, then again, it's only been one day. But still. I shouldn't have even thought he'd ever talk to me. I mean, he's Harry Styles, and even if this is barely real life, I couldn't even get him in my dreams. How sad.

Let's see, If Harry just got put into One Direction, he's 16. And he's only going to be at the bakery for a few more weeks. Great.

You know what, I'm not giving up that easy I mean what do I have to loose, He's going to forget me when he's famous anyway!

I continued walking until I reached the bakery. And there he was. Name tag in place, standing at the counter ringing people up with tired eyes. Should I really disturb him? Yeah. I walked up to the counter after the last lady was done buying her biscuits and looked Harry straight in the eye.

Only now did I realize this was a terrible idea. I could feel my eyes widen and throat close as he looked up at me and a smile appeared across his face.

"Sylvie!" He remembered my name.

Why do I always do this? Respond Sylvie, Respond!

"Uh-um.. Hi!" I blurted out. Smoooth.

"Forgot my name, didn't you?" He said it with a grin.

"Nope, Harry."

"You totally just looked at my name tag!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" We were both laughing at this point. Thank you lord for choosing me. I need help.

"Hey, I've only got like five more minutes then I'm home, wanna sit and talk with me again?"

"Yes!" I swear to god I don't even think he ended his sentence before I screamed my reply. Nice going.

He laughed and looked at the clock.

"Ok, just it me get this last customer and I'll be right back."

I watched as he served the lady with her little girl. Then he went into the back and came back out with a different top and no apron. He waved goodbye to the old lady behind the counter with him and came over to wear I was sitting.

"So you wanna do stuff?" He asked. I just looked at him.

"What kind of stuff?"

"Fun stuff."


Hey guys I'm back and Harry and Sylvie are talking again and they remember each other's names wow. And she didnt almost get hit by a car so that's cool too but ooh oh snap what about Nick? Dang shits gonna go down.

ok, sorry, im done.

But anyway, I have another story on a different account that I would really really really love for you guys to check out because I love it and I'm mainly focusing on that one right now, I update twice a week so yeah.

My other account is @StoriesOfMYLife_ and the story is called 'My Reason' and yes, it is a Harry fic.

Thanks guys, love youu

-Selena :)

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