Day 2: Best Friend(s)

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  • Dedicated to My Lovely Friends :-D

They are in no order what-so-ever! (Sabertree and Emmie are nicknames I gave to two of my friends.)

Sabertree....This girl is beautiful inside & out. I'm not going to say oh, what would I do without her...and all that because it gets on my nerves. But I do know that she has helped me find myself. My TRUE self. We are alike in so many ways but we still have our differences. Differences in our morals, interests, ideas, and etc. Even in our appearences we are soooo different. She is tall, I am short, she has what I call orange hair, I have brown hair. She has greenish eyes and I have blue. But both of our eyes are a little subjective to the light. I love this girl to death and she is one of the closest people I have to as a sister. I could go on and say lots but I just don't won't to get carried away. Somone might mistake me for a lesbo (not that I have a problem with them) because I get too close to people and it just sounds like we are dating. 

Emmie.....This girl is like my little sister. I met her in our 4th period Mrs. Gaston's Art I class at MCHS. I instantly grew to like her. Her with her cute little brown eyes and hair. She is just one of a kind. :-) I'm glad I met her. She makes me laugh and makes me question myself and other people (in my mind). It's fun hanging out with her and just talking. I've told her some stuff but I don't think I've shared any secrets or my inner thoughts. But I only have like two secrets. WEll, did. She, too, has played a big role in helping me discover myself. As with all my friend, I hope she gets the best out of life.

Christi.....I met her in our 5th period Coach Billings's World Geography class. I had no one to walk with to my next class which I found out, Christi was also in. (6th period Mr. Kirksey's Physical Science class.) We eventually started walking together and then we became friends. Then great friends. We shared laughs and I even told her who my crush was since we shared 5th period with him. I don't think she really ever told me a secret except for who she liked but that's okay. We didn't have the secret-sharing kind of friendship. I mean I trust her. But we just made each other laugh and talk about random things. We are good friends. I hope that doesn't change. 

Kayla...I met her in 8th grade at RCES. We became friends. She is very funny and friendly. But we had a mishap and I am trying my best not to hold it against her. We argue from time to time unlike the people above her in this list. I've never fought with them that I recall. She is annoying at times. Okay, a lot. But I still love her and want to be there for her. She is, too, like my little sister along with Emmie. good friend who I met in 8th grade,too. Jesse was jealous of how me and him were great friends. He also said he thinks Raymond likes me. Well, if he does he does. :) He is just a friend to me. I am starting to believe he likes me because of the way he acts and how his mother tries to push us together as a couple. To me, it's not going to happen. 

Karlina, Jaylon, Jazmyn, Ashley....People I meet my freshman year. I hope our friendship will continue to grow over the years. These are great people who have made a big impact on my life. Yes, I count all these lovely people as my best friends. Karlina- I told her my most deepest secret and I trust her. Jaylon-My wonderful guy friend who has similar and different looks of society. Jazmyn- Karlina's BFF, who just helps me have a good laugh. It would fel wrong to not include her as one of my best friends. Ashley-Girl who came up with wonderful games in 3rd Honors English and who talked to me when no one else really attempted. Thank you all for caring about me. :)

Nicole and Pebbles....I've known them so long, I don't remember when or how we met. I love them and I definatly count them as my sisters. I hope to see them soon and wish the best for them. :)  

Jesse AKA Wildman (haha thats his nickname he came up with)....Oh, dear. This is a person I wish I could dump on the side of the road and never see again but then again I want to hug him and even kiss him. Weird? Okay, let me explain. I've known him since third grade when I used to "be" with other boys. Come on, it was little kid puppy love. It doesn't matter now. But Jesse and I grew close over the years. He was one of those puppy loves of mine. (Happened in between 4th grade and 5th grade. But I dumped him because my dad told me to. It was an off and on thing but it still didn't care. We didn't know what all that dating stuff was really about.) I left to go to MVS for 6th grade. I came back in 7th grade and my twin brother had homeroom with Jesse...He asked me to be his girlfriend but I said no. We weren't even really friends in 7th grade ( where I met Sabertree) although I do recall flirting with him at a dance by chasing him around the gym ;). In 8th grade, Jesse and I shared the same classes. Eventually, we ended up back together. I didn't really tell people until they asked though. It was one of those insecurities I still had. But when we were suppose to be going to a dance he brought up kissing him and I didn't like that idea. So after a couple weeks, I dumped. In the most horrible way. Okay, it wasn't too horrible. I didn't dump him over a text, phone call, or by note, or by friend. I did it in person. On the school bus. I said it really loud as I got off the bus. I only meant to whisper it in his ear but I guess I was too loud. :( When he asked why, I simply replied, "We need to be friends." Which wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the complete truth. I mean I still felt really strongly for him. I found myself wanting to hold his hand and hug him (which we did hug). But I knew he still liked me but I couldn't let go of him. He was and still is my best friend. I love him with all my heart and soul! So, we stayed friends. He didn't like how a lot of my friends were guys and he was always jealous. Expecially, when I dated Wendell (Bubba) Harris. But that's another story. Now, in high school. We still are friends. At the beginnning of the year we drifted apart because he started trying to tell me who I could and couldn't talk to. And plus, because over the summer, I told him we'd date in high school only to get him off my back. And plus, I was still trying to figure if I like liked him or not. I find myself wanting to be around him and all that but still can't picture myself kissing him when I'm around him. But I do, when I'm alone. I just don't know. We have a flirtationship and I think that's as far as it'll go. I think he believes I'm the only one for him but in all honesty, I think he could find someone better. I couldn't give him much. I know this is alot so I'll stop. 

I'm trying to remember if I left any of my "best friends" out but I can't think of anymore. But my major ones are: Sabertree, Jesse, Karlina, and Nicole. :) <3

Wow, this was extremely personal. Haha. Oh, well. I'm taking my chances and posting it. Thanks for reading it. Go ahead and give me your thoughts and opinions (if you want)! :-) I know it was long and possibly boring. Sorry. Just my life. 

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