(A/N I changed the topics around a little..and since I don't see any rules I guess, I'm allowed to do that. I'm just trying to make sure I can upload some and the topic that was suppose to be for today's was kinda long...and I didn't feel like doing it..not when I'm in such a great mood!!! ^.^)
1.) I am like, in LOVE with cheesy jokes. Even pick-up lines that are cheesy..not that I'd fall for them but...still, they crack me up. There is just something about them that are so funny!
2.) I can't be mad at someone but I can't find it in myself to be mean or anything. I can't hold a grudge...no matter how bad I want to, I just can't. I try but I can't! I don't like it, yet it goes along with my personality and keeps me out of trouble. Can't be really harsh.
3.) When I get older, I want to build a house out of leggeos (however you spell that). I don't know why...it's just a pretty cool goal to look forward to...and yes, it's on my bucket list. ^.^ Hehe.
4.) I talk to my stuffed animals!! Hehe, let me explain. Okay, I love stuffed animals and I like being alone by myself in a room to do my own thing. Well, I like to talk out loud and figure out my problems or whatever. On facebook one year, I put that I talked to my stuffed animals and girls at my school went around saying I was a freak. They didn't even know me. I was doing it as a joke!!! Really, I just talk out loud to no one in particular. So, when people ask me who I'm talking to...I say, "My stuffed animals."
5.) I don't know if this will count as one..but I don't want to copy my friend so, I'm using my own. Um, I'm 15 years old, short (4'9), and never been kissed or really had a boyfriend...and it doesn't bother me!!! ^.^ I love me the way I am. God wanted me this way, there is no reason to be against it. Plus, if I can't fix this, then I need to accept it. No reason dwelling on what is done.
(A/N Please, no one take offense to the last sentence. I'm only referring to my shortness! ^.^ Thanks for reading.)