Chapter Seven

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I caught the bus the ten minutes later for Santa Clara and called my Uncle. He told me he had a spare set of keys in the office in Chicago for the Beach house. I thanked him and told him to not say anything to anyone. When I got to the office I told the lady my name and she let me in. I grabbed the keys and began the walk to beach house. I hears motorcycles and turned to see three zoom by buy one stop with a handsome man on it. He had golden colored eyes and black hair.

"Need a ride?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yes please." I said hopping on the back of his bike. We stopped at a music show where one of the other guys dropped another girl off and the one giving me a ride told the rest he was taking me home. They nodded and we sped off to the beach house.

"You live here?" He asked parking his bike and coming up the drive to the gate with me.

"No. This is my uncles beach house. I'm here for different reasons." I told him and he smiled.

"Can I use your phone?" He asked and I looked at him. He looked at me in the eyes and I took a deep breath.

"Sure." I told him and he walked with me into the house. I showed him the phone and went upstairs. I went unto the bathroom, taking off the glasses and putting my hair up.

"Hey, you up there?" I heard him call so I rushed out and looked over the railing down at him.

"Yeah." I told him watching him study a painting on the wall.

"Um, thanks for letting me use your phone, I'm going to go n-" he stopped when he looked up at me and frowned.

"Who are you?" He asked and I reached up touching the spot where my glasses should have been. I backed from the railing and against the wall but he began up the stairs.

"Its me, the girl you picked up!" I yelled but he was too close. When he reached the top, I turned to run but he grabbed arm and turned me.

"What is this?" He asked and I began to breath heavily.

"Girl! Where are you?" He called and I flinched every time he said something. He looked down at my clothes and gave me a puzzled look.

"You are her... The glasses!" He said and my eyes shot to the door down the hall. He moved fast walking into the bathroom I followed him and watched him place them on his face. Nothing happened. He took the off and grabbed my arm placing the glasses over my eyes. My hair fell out of the tie and hit my ears and my skin paled.

"What in the world?" He asked.

"Its an illusion?" I said and he took the glasses off me and dropped them on the ground. He brought his heavy boot onto them before turning to me and letting go of my arms.

"Hey!" I screamed lookin at the smashed glass. It began to smoke and dissolved into the air.

"What the?" I looked at him and backed away.

"Illusion my ass." He said and I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but it was too big. He took a deep breath and I slipped. I told him everything and he kept a perfect poker face making me scared.

"Found them in the desk of Samuel Harrison?" He asked and I nodded. Giving me a small sigh he turned to the railing and began.

"You have so much to learn. There isn't even a way for me to erase that much information from your mind. I might as well tell you the rest." He said and I looked at him shocked.

"W-what?" I asked and he sighed grabbing my hand and leading me down the stairs to kitchen table.

"My name is Wade. I'm a vampire." His words came out so serious I didn't know if he was joking or not.

"Vampire? Like off the movies?" I asked and he smiled for the first time since we got here.

"Not exactly. I was born a vampire so I have more power than the average blood changed." He said and I put my hand to my neck.

"Y-your not going to kill me too are you?" I asked and he raised a brow.

"That's another thing. Everyone says that vampire drink blood. That is so gross. We drain souls, era's you know. We do not however drink blood." He said and I let out a sigh of relief and watched him get up and go to the fridge pulling out a bottle of water.

"You said powers before?" I asked and he took a drink then turned to me.

"Oh, yeah. I am born vampire so I can do more. I can read minds, ex ray vision, super strength, super speed, and I can erase the mind." He explained and I nodded turning yo look out the window at the beach. I wanted to cry, run, hide and laugh. What parts could I think was truth? Did he expect me to?

"Your right. I shouldn't expect so much from you but I do expect this from you." He said and I stood up looking at him with shock.

"I am going to protect you from the witches." He said and I shook my head.
"Wait, Vampires now witches?" I asked and he laughed and nodded.

"That's is who Samuel is. He is a witch. Witches and Vampires have been fighting for years. We hate each other because believe it or not, we protect the people." He said sitting again and crossing his arms. I knew of I thought something he would know it so I just stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I burst into tears.

"I'm going to bed. Hopefully I'll at least get some sleep before someone kills me! I have a witch after me and I'm am being protected by a vampire! I can't handle this what's next? Is Jacob going to fall in love with me?" I asked and he cocked an eyebrow.

"No Jacobs got a girl." He said and I growled and stomped up the steps but he followed me.

"What!?" I asked going into the bedroom and he stopped. I turned going in and slamming the door. I locked the bathroom door and showered, the water helping me calm down and think. I came out and put on some PJ pants and a tank top before walking out on the stairs and looking into the living room. Wade was laying on the couch with his boots off. I went into my uncle room and grabbed some PJs and went down stairs.

"Here is some PJs." I told him and he thank me getting up and going to the down stairs bathroom to change. He came out a half second later and put his dirty clothes in a grocery bag. He stood up straight and smiled at me. I looked over his features and smiled. His black hair was messy and his golden eyes made my knees weak. It was a different feeling when I seen him compared to when I seen Samuel or Carlos.

"Goodnight." He said getting ready to lay down. I grabbed his arm and swallowed hard. He looked at me and frowned.

"Can you sleep up there with me? I'm scared." I said and he stood nodding. He followed me upstairs and I crawled in bed. He smiled at me before crawling in the other side I watched him and realized his eyes glowed in the dark. I could see them staring at me and could tell when he blinked. I let all my fears slip away and rolled over closing my eyes. Do vampires sleep? I asked myself and I heard and chuckle from behind me.

"Yes, we sleep." He said and I let out a sigh. A million questions could be asked but I was too tired to ask them. I let my eyes slip closed and fell asleep. I was sleeping in a bed with my hot vampire body guard, hiding from witches. I must be crazy.

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