Chapter Six

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"So how are the plans coming along?" Samuel asked Wanda and she looked wide eyed at him then cleared her throat.

"Um, we are still having difficulties with our one client, Mr. Harrison if I may suggest we should discuss this when we are not around so many unknown ears?" She said and he stopped eating and looked at the women working.

"Your dismissed." Was all he said and they cleared the room. He intertwined his finger in front of his chin and looked at Wanda.

"What about Miss Renin?" Wanda asked and I looked up from my food. He looked at me and I smiled.

"I'm done anyways." I said and his eyebrows came together.

"No, finish your food. Wanda should know not to be so rude, Miss Renin is going to be included in our plans from now on." He said and I sat down looking at Wanda. She frowned and gave me stink eye before pulling open her suit case and putting a file on the table. She closed her case and slid the file to Samuel, who slid it to me and nodded.

"Take a look." He said and I opened the file. There were three papers with names of one man and three girls on them. The girls Nyla Megans, Jessica Lerrico, Sarah Decoji and the mans Dominic Randino. It had all his information, like how tall he was and weight. His social security number and pictures of three gruesome scenes.

"Are these murders?" I whispered and Samuel nodded. I looked down at them and covered my mouth. Three bodies, all raped and cut at the throat, and girls from the same school as me. I read each girls age and closed the file. They were the same age as me.

"Oh, my god!" I said standing up and wrapping my arms around me.

"Calm down your perfectly safe with me." Samuel said running around the table and grabbing my shoulders. I looked up at him and tried to calm down.

"She isn't even okay with dead people, Sam she isn't fit for the job." Wanda said and Sam shot her a look and she got up and grabbed the file.

"You've heard my comment. She's out. Dispose of her." Wanda said turning and walking out. My eyes widened and I pushed his hands off me turning and running out the dinning room doors. I turned to the stairs and ran up going into my room and locking the doors.

"Why do my dreams always come out false?" I asked myself as I slipped from the door and went to the window. Wanda got to her car and opened the door but didn't get inside. She looked up at my and took off her glasses. Her face contorted and changed to one of a man, then her whole body. Gasping I covered my face and backed from the window.

"Alexis? Open the for please. I can explain." Sam said at the door. I thought about opening it. Facing my fate and dying but then something hit me. The need to live for my parents so I could tell them all the amazing thing I did.

"Okay you've forced me to do this!" Sam said and I heard keys jingle. The door knob twisted and I ran into the closet shutting the door lightly. I calmed my breath and listened.

"Why are you hiding? I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He said and I heard his foot steps get farther so I reached up grabbing my compact and pushing it directly under the door jam. I moved it so I could see through the room. Sam was standing by my dresser going through my things. I watched him pick up the photo of my parents and look at it. I was watching him when light bounced off something metal in his hand and off the mirror hitting him in the eye.

"Hiding in the closet? I see." He said putting the photo down too close to the edge of the dresser to where it fell and shattered. I began panicking but decided against a full out panic attack when a plan came to mind. I hid in one of the cubbies and closed the door using shadows for determination. He opened the door and walked in slowly probably looking for me. When his shadow passed the edge of the door I pushed it open hitting him in the back and running to the closet door. I slammed that shut and locked it before running to the dresser and grabbing the paper photo of me and my parents. I ran through the house and came across the office him and Wanda had gone in one time. I pushed the door open and went to the desk.

"Maybe I could find some proof of murder in here?" I whispered opening the desk and find some odd things. Lip stick, glasses, gloves, contacts, a wig, and a hair tie.

"These are the same as the ones Mr. Wanda had on." I said grabbing the and placing them on my face. I turned to a mirror on the wall and gasped. Instead of my honey brown hair, green eyes and tanned skin I had black hair, brown eyes and pale skin. Smiling I turned from it and went to the maids closet putting a maids dress and apron on before walking to the phone and calling a cab. I walked out and got in the cab telling him to take me to town. He nodded and drove while I pulled out my cell phone and looked up the grey hound schedule.

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