The beginning of our story ♥

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"Woah uhh," stutters Leighton while blushing. SO CUTE

"I'm sorry if you didn't want that kiss," I said looking down tucking my hair behind my right ear. I do that all the time for NO reason.

"No," he said lifting my chin making me look at him.  All I saw was the perfect smile, then I noticed it was dark out and I wouldn't be able to walk home alone.

Leighton saw my concerned look and turned around saying "I can walk home with you if you want." I nodded grabbing my jacket and my lanyerd. I need a new one my mustache and PTV  one is getting worn down.  

While both of us were walking about I heard a yell so I turned in an instance. "And don't come back any time soon! have your parents turn in the aprons!!!" Yeup we're fired but it was worth it after all I got the guy I've always wanted

I think.

I needed to "DTR" Define The Relationship with him.

So I just came out and said it "Leighton, are we together?..." I didn't mean to make it sound all rushed and stuff I just wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing.

"Well, depends." He says with that perfect smirk.

"Depends on what?" I say a tad confused but intrigued.

"If you want to go see the new movie Paranormal Activity 3," he said that not knowing I HATE scary movie. 

Last time I saw a scary movie it was with my best friend Julie.

I went with her and her boyfriend Christopher Drew Ingle (Don't ask me how she got that lucky she just found him, they made out, and that was that) to see Evil Dead and I buried my face in my knees while Chris and Julie made out the whole time.

"Kat?"Leighton says with concern. I think he saw me spacing stupid of me...

"uhh yeah what...uhh..I would love to!" Crap why did I say that?!

"Great so tomorrow see you at 4 I'll pick you up!!" Leighton said that while walking me to my door.

"Uhh yeah of course," I said while getting anxiety and butterflies all at the same time...bad combination...

One second I'm turning my knob to my front door he next thing I feel a tap on my shoulder and I'm feeling Leightons tongue peak through my lips AND my teeth to my tongue.

I'm not saying I didn't like it I just didn't expect it. 

Leighton leans over to my left ear after releasing me of that magical electric kiss to whisper "so deep." With that he smirked and walked away waving.


I died a little inside but I just turned to my apartment door and turned.

I ran straight to my room bumping into my dog Boogy (he's a Great Dane but he's a puppy) I yelled sorry over my shoulder but kept running.

While I'm running I should explain how my apartment looks.  You would open the door walking into my living room with a doorway to the kitchen on your left.  My bedroom is straight across the living room and to the right through a hallway and right across that is a bathroom which I HATE. It's so small!

But anyways, once I got to my room I grabbed my phone which should have been with me and dialed Julies number.


Come on Jules




"Hello dear!" Julie answered finally!


"Wait wait hold on slow down and repeat"

"Leighton asked me out to a scary movie and I said yes!" I said that almost out of breathe

"Isn't that a good thing?" She said like she didn' t know!

"I HATE SCARY MOVIES WHAT SHOULD I DO???" I practically yelled.

"Well find the perfect outfit first" She giggled thinking it's funny to laugh at my dis-stress.

"JULIE!" I said wide eyed and yelling like she was in the room. "HELP ME!"

It was an amazing mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now