Finding A Horrid Truth

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She held the handle of the axe tightly in her hands. Her knuckles turning white as she held it tightly blood covered her once white button up shirt and black slacks, boots once clean now had brain matter and blood all over them.
She wandered around what looked like a morgue. The scent of decaying flesh was evident in the air. She still had her shot gun but had no bullets left now only able to use an axe. She wondered what she would do when her only weapon broke but her thoughts were cut short by...a metal table holding a cadaver the sheet covering the corpse a pristine white. The only thing truly clean around. A light illuminated the shiny metal table and she neared toward it cautiously.
She gripped the sheet and pulled it down. Her eyes widened and her body went stiff as she was able to immediately recognize the face.
She stared at the face of Ruben Victoriano and then looked around as transparent forma began to take place. Memories she assumed.
She looked confused as she saw Dr.Jimenez. She listened to him speak saying things about a STEM project. She heard mumbling rants about that project from Ruben but never asked him about it.
She stared down at Ruben's lifeless body and dropped her weapon a large clang ringing through out the room. She tightly clenched the edge of the table some tears escaping her eyes.
"He lied to me....He said he had gone missing...But he died! Hours of pain and drunk depression spiraling down to a life I began to hate..."
She muttered these words and picked up her axe.
"I can understand a lie...But now...So many things have gone wrong... I'm out for blood now..."
And with those words spoken she left the morgue anger on her face as she walked.

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