xv- drunk

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To say I was drunk, was an understatement. I was smashed, absolutely gone and passed the limit.

I clutched at Harry for support, even though we were sitting down the room was swaying from side to side.

"I think we should take you home, babe." Harry said after about a minute and half of me giggling at the salt shaker. I was too drunk to even realise he'd called me babe.

I looked up at him and snickered, "Home? Back to Zaynie." I said in a singsong voice, giggling like a child and finally coming to rest my head on his shoulder.

I let out a huff of breath and crossed my arms causing him to chuckle and pet my hair. "Harry?" I asked suddenly, sitting back up straight to look at him. "Mmm?"

"I think I like you." He smiled and chuckled, "I like you too, Niall." I huffed again, "No!" I whined, "I mean like like you."

His face went serious. "Niall you're drunk." He stated with no emotion. "Yes I know that, and it feels very different, but one thing stays the same, and I feel that thing when I'm sober too. I like you, Harry, ever since I saw your..." I lifted my hand to gently tap the skin just beneath his eye.

He stared at me for a moment, and I slowly let my hand fall, for a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but he abruptly stood up. "C'mon! I'm taking you home!" He grabbed my wrist and marched me towards the bar, ending our tab.

He thanked the bar tender and pulled me toward the exit. The rest of that night is pretty cloudy.

[drunk confessionssss]

[i think this first book is almost done!]

[love you]

[vote and comment!]

- J

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